Mead's work was not just one man - he was surrounded by an entire group at the University of Chicago that had come together under the umbrella of this type of Pragmatic thought. John Dewey recruited him to the University of Chicago from the Univfersity of Michigan, and they were best friends - both intellectually and socially. There was also a large, more application oriented group centered around Jane Addams and Hull House, and the nascent labor movement. When Dewey went to Columbia, there was a great deal of cross-pollination between the group he started at Columbia and Mead who stayed at the University of Chicago and the remains of that group. Mead's ideas are not the ideas of one man but a brilliant philosophical movement that helped to create what we now call psychology, and sociology, and qualitative methodology, and even to a certain extent much of modern anthropology (Boas was also a marginal member of this whole group).
I'm interested, why would you think the ideas are so much more speculative than say CHAT?
From: on behalf of Andy Blunden
Sent: Wed 10/31/2007 8:21 AM
Subject: [xmca] George Herbert Mead. help please
I'm currently reading a collection of George Herbert Mead, which confirms
my view that his ideas on social psychology were very close to our own,
though inevitably, as the work of just one man, relatively speculative.
Can anyone recommend to me a critique of Mead by a CHAT person, perhaps a
message in the XCMA archive or a paper available in HTML or PDF? I know
that you guys cover him in your courses at UCSD.
Andy Blunden : tel (H) +61 3 9380 9435,
mobile 0409 358 651
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