Re: [xmca] Wells article

From: Gordon Wells <gwells who-is-at>
Date: Fri Oct 05 2007 - 09:27:40 PDT


I agree with what I take to be your argument. But
in your last paragraph I am confused when you
write that the expert " views "rid the mice" as
the subject." Surely you and the expert are both
subjects and a plan to "rid the mice" is the


>I truely believe that the result may be far from the ideal. However, if
>there is a discourse taking place between people who are engaged in a goal
>directed activity, then within the paramaters of this discoursing the
>"ideal" is the "object"??? I must admit I am engaging in this discussion
>more for a sense of trying to hear what my thoughts are as I write them
>down. Here is an example:
>Perhaps I have mice in my basement. I go to the feed mill and talk to an
>expert on mice eradication. The ideal would be to rid my basement of mice.
>The discourse between I and the expert revolves around ridding my basement
>of mice. This may not result from the efforts I engage upon my return home
>but nevertheless, when I am talking to the expert we are engaged in a
>discourse of "rid the mice"; not, "get rid of SOME of the mice."
> Andy, I do not think the expert sees me as a subject to be manipulated but
>rather views "rid the mice" as the subject. The ideal provides a catalyst
>for how to discourse with me, the customer.
>Is any of this making sense?
> Paul
> <phd_crit_think@
>To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity"
> Sent by:
>Subject: Re: [xmca] Wells
> 10/03/2007
> Please
> to
> Mind,
> Before entering into the argument strictly speaking, I would like you to
>look at some evidence (see attachment).
> I don't agree that the "ideal" exists in the discussion unless that
>discussion has an identifiable
>[object/frame-of-reference/verifiabilty-space/etc?] that exists
>independently of the ideal that exists in the discussion and against which
>any given instantiation of the ideal as developed in the discussion can be
>compared. Say the shape of a knife. Form as ideal - cleaver or scalpel?
> Also, internalized discussions in which imagined communities participate,
>"Walter Mitty" comes to mind, must clearly enter in the discussion space in
>which shadows of ideals sport and play.
> I think the evidence I' ve attached provides an arguable demonstration of
>how the ideal in discussion can lead one far from the ideal that might
>exist independently of that discussion.
> Paul
> wrote:
>That is indeed a good question pertaining to the "ideal". If the ideal
>nose is invisioned then what is the product end result of the operation?
>There is the activity of the "noe job" and then there is the operation of
>changing the nose. The ideal is the discussion of what the new nose
>should look like and then there is the material end of a new nose. Just
>positing in fun : )
>To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity"
>Subject: Re: [xmca] Wells article
>Paul Dillon
>Sent by:
>10/02/2007 03:25 PM MST
>Please respond to "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" size=-1>
>before or after the nose job?
> wrote:
>And here I had always invisioned you as Robert Zimmerman : )
>Paul Dillon
>> cc:
>Sent by: Subject: Re: [xmca] Wells article
>10/02/2007 02:29
>Please respond
>to "eXtended
>Mind, Culture,
>Sure and I'm Alexander the Grape.
>Kevin Rocap wrote:
>That was....
>A Gordon Knot?
>Paul Dillon wrote:
>> It just ocurred to me that listserv threads are something akin to Andean
>quipu, threads with knots used to record every kind of information. But . .
>> Maybe Gordon could explain how what he's proposing relates to Habermas'
>theory of communicative action, a fourth level to the Weberian continuum,
>beyond strategic action, communicative action, with its own ideal state,
>oriented to reaching understanding. As far as I can tell, this wheel might
>already have been employed in building various kinds of vehicles. So maybe
>some clarification would be useful.
>> Paul. Dillon
>> "Worthen, Helena Harlow" wrote:
>> Andy --
>> Are you saying you don't see a useful difference between language being
>> used to coordinate actions directed toward a shared goal, and language
>> being used to create something that is not the shared goal of the
>> participants, but something different? I think this is a useful
>> distinction, because the latter would give us a name for the process we
>> would expect to see if we could zoom in on and observe in slow motion
>> (maybe in a transcript) the way words get turned, replaced, defined and
>> re-defined in the process of negotiating an agree-upon text.
>> Helena Worthen, Clinical Associate Professor
>> Labor Education Program, Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations
>> University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
>> 504 E. Armory, Room 227
>> Champaign, IL 61821
>> Phone: 217-244-4095
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On Behalf Of Andy Blunden
>> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 6:15 PM
>> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
>> Subject: RE: [xmca] Wells article
>> Helena,
>> I took it that Gordon ended up saying that Halliday's distinction cannot
>> be
>> sustained.
>> Here is what he says:
>> "From this work it has becomes apparent that the initial distinction
>> made
>> by Halliday (1978)
>> between ancillary and constitutive discoursing, although useful
>> conceptually, is an oversimplification
>> of actual practice. The first and most obvious complication is that many
>> interactions
>> involve more than one genre, as when a shopper discusses the weather or
>> current events in
>> the course of a purchasing action.
>> A second issue is that the distinction between ancillary and
>> constitutive
>> discoursing is
>> not as clear-cut as Halliday suggested. Taking the football example from
>> earlier, at various
>> points before and during the game, the coach discusses strategy with the
>> entire team and perhaps
> > also with one or more individuals; he will probably also shout from the
>> sidelines. Although the
>> latter might fit Halliday's argument that "any instructions or other
>> verbal
>> interaction among
>> the players are part of this social action" (p. 144), it is not so clear
>> that the strategy talk before
>> the team leaves the dressing room is entirely part of the "social
>> action"
>> of the game itself.
>> However, the most difficult issue is that of determining what goals are
>> involved in any
>> action in which discoursing plays a part. The problem is that
>> participants
>> rarely announce their
>> goals, expecting others to be able to deduce them from the situation and
>> from the genre form
>> they adopt."
>> So I didn't follow this issue any further because I wouldn't support
>> this
>> particular dichotomy at any but a superficial level. I think discourse
>> is
>> always, along with other elements of material culture, part of
>> constituting
>> the project. I see conflict as essentially indistinguishable from
>> collaboration and the material/ideal distinction between project also
>> untenable. Anyway, Gordon gave three reasons for not making this
>> distinction and that was good enough for me.
>> Andy
>> At 02:41 PM 1/10/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>>> Hello, xmca:
>>> I'll take a shot at the Wells article, as usual, from the point of view
>>> of a labor educator.
>>> As I read it, he's distinguishing between the use of language as
>>> "ancillary" to an activity and the use of language that actually
>>> constitutes what participants are doing. When people use language to
>>> coordinate activity, that's "ancillary." When the thing that has to
>> "get
>>> done" is itself made out of language (he gives the example of a meeting
>>> with an agenda and agreed-upon decisions to be made - p. 167) then
>>> that's "constitutive discoursing," the co-construction of "possible
>>> worlds" (he references Bruner). However, he's saying, this distinction
>>> has already been made (by Halliday). Wells then says that the
>>> distinction between the two is not always clear, because people may be
>>> co-constructing with different goals in mind. He lists some examples of
>>> different goals in the middle of page 173.
>>> At this point, I am thinking that Wells is right but I'd like him to
>>> give an example where people are co-constructing something but have
>> more
>>> strikingly different goals in mind -- goals more different than the
>>> goals of a trio of researchers observing their own discoursing or even
>>> than the goals of a teacher and three students in a busy classroom.
>>> Of course I was reading this article keeping in mind the
>> co-constructive
>>> constitutive discoursing that takes place when workers and employers
>>> bargain a contract. The contract is an example of a "possible world."
>> It
>>> is built up bit by bit over the years, written down and enforced
>> through
>>> yards and yards, miles and miles of talk. In fact, both the contract
>> and
>>> the process by which it is negotiated are negotiated. But most helpful
>>> of all to me, as I try to understand what is actually happening when
>>> people negotiate their conditions of work, was Wells' point that(p 174)
>>> the "the participants are not interchangeable." Constitutive
>>> discoursing (the co-creation of something through language) is
>>> characterized by participants in an itneraction who are not
>>> interchangeable. It is the different perspectives of the parties to the
>>> negotiation that make the co-construction of something possible.
>>> I'm not convinced that the word "discoursing" is going to get into
>>> popular use. It may be that Wells doesn't expect it to go much further
>>> himself; in fact, he could be putting forth this term ironically, since
>>> by the end of the article he appears to have pulled the plug on the
>>> notion that discoursing is an activity in its own right.
>>> Is there a significant stream of argument that says that the use of
>>> language for no other purpose (no co-construction, no constitution) is
>>> in itself an activity? Wouldn't that be like carrying a tape recorder
> >> down a busy street or drifting from channel to channel on the TV? But
>>> then we'd be in the realms of art.
>>> I saw Chris Marker's movie, Les Chats Perches (?) last night. Now
>>> there's a record of co-construction of an emergent text and possible
>>> world.
>>> Helena Worthen
>>> Helena Worthen, Clinical Associate Professor
>>> Labor Education Program, Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations
>>> University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
>>> 504 E. Armory, Room 227
>>> Champaign, IL 61821
>>> Phone: 217-244-4095
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Gordon Wells
Department of Education
University of California, Santa Cruz
xmca mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 5 09:33 PDT 2007

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