Re: [xmca] Wells more manageable in small pieces

From: Andy Blunden <ablunden who-is-at>
Date: Mon Oct 01 2007 - 16:20:32 PDT

Eric, if an ideal is not material, where does it exist, of what is it made,
and how do you get to know it without material intereaction?
And tell me some material thing you know, that is known to you as other
than an ideal, something that you know without recourse to any concept.
At 11:04 AM 1/10/2007 -0500, you wrote:

>Thank you for putting the breaks on and putting the article in more
>digestible pieces. Initially, I would like to point out two interesting
>excerts, " discursive mediation differs from tool mediation in that instead
>of being brought to bear directly on the object of action, it takes the
>form of a transaction between the human participants with respect to the
>object of their action." Also in speaking about Engstrom's triangle Wells
>writes, " in both cases (literature v. spoken and written text) the
>intended outcome is of an "ideal" rather than a material kind (Cole, 1996),
>and the action involves a transaction between participating subjects rather
>than on a material object."
>I take this to mean that Wells is trying to bring into light that when
>people communicate in a goal oriented sense they may have the 'ideal' in
>mind but in the material sense there is no representation of this 'ideal'.
>Any comments before I go further?
> Tony
> Whitson
> <twhitson@UDel.E To: "eXtended Mind,
> Culture, Activity" <>
> du> cc:
> Sent by: Subject: Re: [xmca] Some
> comments on Gordon's article
> xmca-bounces@web
> 09/29/2007
> 08:59
> AM
> Please
> respond
> to
> "eXtended
> Mind,
> Culture,
> Activity"
>On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, David Kellogg wrote:
> > ... Gordon Wells is trying to DEconstrue the word "discourse", to turn
>it from a thing back into an activity.
>I think there's a hazard here for discussing this particular article. In
>most contexts, David's rendering would be fine; but in this particular
>context, I think Gordon is pointedly arguing that discoursing should be
>NOT as an ACTIVITY, but as OPERATION (a distinction that has a
>particular significance in CHAT).
>I think it will be tricky to be careful about this kind of terminology in
>discussing this article, but unnecessary confusion could result if we
>don't try to observe such distinctions from the outset.
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  Andy Blunden : tel (H) +61 3 9380 9435, AIM
identity: AndyMarxists mobile 0409 358 651

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