Re: [xmca] FW: perezhivanie

From: Ana Paula B. R. Cortez <apbrcortez who-is-at>
Date: Thu Nov 29 2007 - 03:32:08 PST

Dear Peter,
  Thanks for the attachment!
  I haven't read it yet, but the title has impressed me a lot: I've been working with junior school students for a while and my master dissertation was exactly about that: language as a powerful psychological tool in bilingual environments. I intend to extend that in my doctoral studies, although I'd like to focus on the transformation it causes. Do you have any idea to suggest?
  Ana Paula

Peter Smagorinsky <> escreveu:
  And this time, with the attachment. p

Mike has asked for interpretations of perezhivanie--to Yordanka
specifically, but I'm assuming that anyone who pitches in would be welcome.
I'm trying to frame a study of a high school writer whose confidence appears
to be a powerful tool in her composition of an essay interpreting
Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing--a pretty difficult task, even for a
successful student. Here's what we've written so far; comments welcome. It's
a bit long, so I'll send it as an attachment. It's a work in progress so
please reference this email message rather than the text itself if you
borrow from it in your own writing; the reference to Connery, 2007 is from
her xmca post.


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