[xmca] L.I. Bozhovich and perezhivanie

From: Peter Smagorinsky <smago who-is-at uga.edu>
Date: Wed Nov 28 2007 - 03:34:09 PST

While trying to learn more about L.I. Bozhovich and perezhivanie, I came
across a paper at www.fae.unicamp.br/br2000/trabs/1760.doc that concerns
Vygotsky and personality-thought others might be interested (and my
apologies if it's already been posted and I missed it-I've only had time to
skim xmca posts of late). Peter



Peter Smagorinsky

The University of Georgia

125 Aderhold Hall

Athens, GA 30602




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Received on Wed Nov 28 03:35 PST 2007

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