RE: [xmca] Boris assists Mike assists Eric

From: <ERIC.RAMBERG who-is-at>
Date: Mon Nov 26 2007 - 12:43:28 PST

To all:

Perhaps this message will get through perhaps not. For some reason I am
not receiving any emails from the listserve and have been unable to follow
the discussion. When I go to XMCA to follow the discussion the hyperlink
of a post does not connect to the relevant post but rather to a post in
October. Very strange. I wonder if the Russian text in Mike's original
post has anything to do with the issue.

Anyway. My initial reason for inquiring regarding Lave and Wenger was
because I recall they discuss identity in their research but I did not know
if it was in the same avenue of study as Andy was inquiring about. Perhaps
it is more in tune to identity within a 'community of practice' rather then
identity pertaining to popeye's "I yam what I yam," sort of statement.

Andy, when you asked the intitial question you were interested in identity
as it pertained to personality or were you more interested in identity as
it pertains to how people view their roles in societal context?

Barbara Rogoff also writes about identity formation but she is similar to
Jean Lave in viewing identity as a cultural construct and not an internal
psychological construct.

Maybe by the time this message posts the stream of discussion on the issue
has waned and people are onto bigger and better things.


xmca mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 26 12:45 PST 2007

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