[xmca] Position Opening

From: Cathrene Connery <cconnery who-is-at ithaca.edu>
Date: Mon Oct 29 2007 - 16:41:37 PDT

This is a great place to work for CHAT educators!!!!!!

The Ithaca College Education Department invites applications for the
position of Department Chair, with teaching responsibilities in a new
graduate, pre-service teacher preparation program in childhood
(elementary) education. This full-time position begins August 16, 2008.

We are an expanding department in the School of Humanities and Sciences,
with undergraduate secondary teacher certification programs in the
disciplines of the Humanities and Sciences, a new MAT program in
secondary education, and a new M.S. program in childhood education. We
are looking for a collaborative, creative colleague with solid
administrative experience who can also teach in the new childhood
education program. We seek someone with a deep commitment to diversity,
equity, and excellence in education.

Ithaca College is a private, comprehensive college with approximately
6,000 undergraduates and 380 graduate students and is located in Ithaca,
NY, a diverse and culturally vibrant small city situated at the southern
end of Cayuga Lake, in the heart of the Finger Lakes region of upstate
New York. Cornell University is also located in Ithaca.

The chair’s position involves coordinating department curricular
offerings, staffing, and budgets; working closely with the heads of
undergraduate and graduate teacher certification programs in Humanities
and Sciences; and helping to develop community outreach and
partnerships. The chair also helps coordinate the accreditation-related
efforts of teacher education programs across campus and serves as chief
certification officer for the College. The chair’s teaching load will be
two courses a year in our new graduate, pre-service program in childhood
education. Possible course areas include: special education, social
studies education, science education, math education, and supervision of
student teachers. The rank of this tenure-eligible position is open and
includes associate or full professor.

Qualifications: Earned doctorate in a relevant field; evidence of
successful administrative and teaching experience; a record of scholarly
activity; and demonstrated experience addressing issues of diversity and
equity in education.

Interested individuals should apply online at www.icjobs.org
<http://www.icjobs.org/>, search for and select this position, and
attach a letter of application, vita, and the names and contact
information for five (5) references. Questions about online application
may be directed to the Office of Human Resources at (607) 274-1207.
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the
position has been filled.

  *Ithaca** College** is committed to building a diverse academic
  community and encourages members of underrepresented groups to apply.
  Experience that contributes to the diversity of the college is

Dr. M. Cathrene Connery
Assistant Professor of Education
Ithaca College
xmca mailing list
Received on Mon Oct 29 16:52 PDT 2007

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