[xmca] Fwd: Call for Abstracts: Activity2008

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 17:10:19 PDT

Fantastically interesting wording of the announcement, which is forwarded by
a member of
ISCAR in case anyone on xmca is interested. I suspect that some finns may be
for some part of what is planned, but who knows?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ISCAR Announcement <iscar-announce@iscar.org>
Date: Oct 24, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Call for Abstracts: Activity2008
To: iscar-announce@iscar.org

Dear ISCAR Member,

The following is an announcement for a symposium, organized in
part by some ISCAR members, that is likely to have interest for
other ISCAR members.


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Deadline - 3 December 2007


International Symposium
Activity Analyses for Developing Work

12-14 May, 2008 Helsinki, Finland

The current changes in work life, such as the adoption of
information technologies and changes in production and service
structures, reshape the contents, requirements, and means of
work. Organizations' production and service concepts and their
combinations are becoming increasingly complex. Work today
involves a number of contradictory phenomena which are reflected,
in many ways, in people's well-being, health and safety.

How should research, design, and practice approach the complexity
of these transformations? The speed and dynamics of the recent
changes in work appear to require new methodologies and their

The Symposium aims at charting and innovating activity
theoretical and systemic ergonomic research, design, and
development methods and methodologies to endorse a more
comprehensive understanding of the changes in the realm of work
and also to support workplaces in the midst of these changes.
Another important objective is to exchange information about the
transformations in work life and the changes in production and
service concepts.

Main themes:
1. Interventions and intervention methodologies in developing work
2. The concepts 'work' and 'activity' in ergonomic research
3. Activity approaches in risk analysis and management
4. New activity-driven design concepts

Who should attend?
The Symposium is targeted especially at
researchers, designers, and practitioners interested in methods
and methodologies related to work and development, particularly
with view to rapidly changing and complex activities. The
Symposium aims at creating a fruitful atmosphere of exchange
between activity theorists and ergonomists in topics addressing a
wide range of practical applications.

Keynotes and speakers:

Changing work through IT design. Reflections upon participatory design
Professor Susanne Bødker, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Design processes: managing continuity and discontinuity between present and
future activity
Professor François Daniellou, Université Victor Segalen, France

Change, development and intervention at work: Toward a formative methodology
Professor Yrjö Engeström, University of Helsinki, Finland

Reliability management as an individual/collective development process: a
constructive ergonomics viewpoint
Professor Pierre Falzon, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM),

The Technical Committee 'Activity theories for work analysis and design'
(ATWAD) of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA)

Local organizers:
- The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- University of Helsinki, Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work
- Verve (former Merikoski Rehabilitation and Research Centre)

Participants are invited to send abstracts for presentations no later than 3
December 2007. Welcome!

More information at http://www.ttl.fi/activity2008


ISCAR - International Society for Cultural and Activity Research

Webpage: http://www.iscar.org
Queries: info@iscar.org
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Received on Wed Oct 24 17:12 PDT 2007

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