Re: [xmca] Collective efforts appear to succeed. Thanks everyone.

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at>
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 12:00:00 PDT

Actually, Paul et al, I think the outcome you produced is part of
traditional Hopi thought, where it is believed that mental participation is

I call this process, the Wizard/ess. Olga V calls it El Maga.

On 10/24/07, Bremme Don <> wrote:
> Mike,
> As thos in the gamer communiy would be likely to say: W00T!
> I'm sure I speak for the entire Terror Nova guild in saying that! ;-)
> It's the power of the collective. Hope you and Sheila and your home
> remain safe!
> Don
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of Mike Cole
> Sent: Wed 10/24/2007 8:28 AM
> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
> Subject: [xmca] Collective efforts appear to succeed. Thanks everyone.
> Dear Colleagues--
> An amazing thing happened yesterday. About the time it appeared that the
> small towns along the coast where we and
> several of our friends and collegues live would be over run by the fire.
> But
> the wind DID reverse. It DID start flowing from
> West to East, just as I hoped it would if all of your efforts combined to
> change the direction of our local history.
> Well done, xmca-ites!! We promise you a giant thank you part next
> September
> during the ISCAR conference.
> (Lets hope the same collective efforts avoid a widening war between Turkey
> and the Kurds!!!-- Remember, this time it
> is important to blow both north and south!!)
> :-))
> mike and family and LCHC colleagues
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Received on Wed Oct 24 12:01 PDT 2007

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