Re: [xmca] Collective efforts appear to succeed. Thanks everyone.

From: Paul Dillon <phd_crit_think who-is-at>
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 09:57:49 PDT

  Too bad Marshall McCluhan couldn't see the response of the xmca members to your situation. Talk about a Global Village!!!!
  But I'm wondering about the efficacy you attribute to the xmca community's intervention - the possibilities I've come up with include: A homologous shamanic relation between the change in theme and unity of agreement on xmca with the strength of the high-pressure system over the Mojave; a post-modern equivalent of the power of prayer; and a pre-cursor of the Guild's ability to psychically fold the space-time continuum in Frank Herbert's "Dune".
  So glad to hear that your home survived.

Mike Cole <> wrote:
  Dear Colleagues--

An amazing thing happened yesterday. About the time it appeared that the
small towns along the coast where we and
several of our friends and collegues live would be over run by the fire. But
the wind DID reverse. It DID start flowing from
West to East, just as I hoped it would if all of your efforts combined to
change the direction of our local history.

Well done, xmca-ites!! We promise you a giant thank you part next September
during the ISCAR conference.

(Lets hope the same collective efforts avoid a widening war between Turkey
and the Kurds!!!-- Remember, this time it
is important to blow both north and south!!)

mike and family and LCHC colleagues
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