Elections for CH-SIG Officers for 2008-2010
Dear Colleagues,
The period for nominations is now closed (except for a treasurer).
These are the nominations we received for the future officers of CH-SIG
for 2008 - 2010 .
(short descriptions of the nominees are attached):
_President (chair): _
Vera John-Steiner
_Program Coordinators:_
Lois Holzman
Kevin O'Connor
_Awards Committee_
Chair: Karen L. Riley
Members: Christine Greenhow
Lisa C. Yamagata-Lynch
/We do not have a nomination for a future treasurer and I urge you to
send your nominations (or self-nominations) as soon as possible/.
There are no competing nominations. We have only one chair, two program
coordinators and a few members of the Awards Committee.
I propose that they all be elected as nominated.
I need at least someone to second this proposal -- please send it by
"reply to all".
After we get a second, please send your votes for this proposal by
replying with a "yes" or "no" as soon as possible and please do not
remain silent!!!
all the best
(apologies for duplicate e-mails)
-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Ana Marjanovic-Shane, Ph.D./ /151 W. Tulpehocken St./ /Philadelphia//, PA 19144/// /(h) 215-843-2909/ /ana@zmajcenter.org <mailto:ana@zmajcenter.org>/ /http://www.speakeasy.org/~anamshane <http://www.speakeasy.org/%7Eanamshane>/
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