[xmca] a few small housekeeping issues

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Jun 30 2007 - 08:16:58 PDT

The flurry of discussion this past week has coincided with a couple of local
institutional obligations I cannot
duck, so I have not properly responded to some interesting posts. Just a few
sort of housekeeping notes.

David K-- I found your level of description of Bereiter and Scardamalia just
right and relevant. The issue of
tooting horns, I think, is that the resulting sound needs to be coordinated
with others in such a way that the
resulting collective product is growth enhancing. I guess we could look at
what we are doing as a complex
form of written improvisation, which, at later times, various of us
appropriate and re-use in the service of
other tunes. I think you are referring to David Shaffer's work when you
refer to expert journalism practice
games, not Bogost.

The next issue of MCA to be discussed should be the issue with lots of
papers on work, including Michael R's.
Right now there is yet ANOTHER issue on the web page, but monday we will
take it down because it is out of line. What has
happened in the shift from Erlbaum to Taylor and Francis is a rapid increase
in getting back issues out and
getting us up to date. Michael has been expediting the editorial process at
the same time, which we hope
will get the journal onto an even and successful schedule. Michael has also
negotiated an expansion in pages
per year which will make possible/easier special thematic issues which were
in competition with scarce space
as the journal stood. But for the moment this means several issues coming
out in quick succession.

I really recommend Martin's web page entry on Heidegger. I am wondering what
he and Michael Roth disagree
about in their interpretation of Heidegger and what difference the
difference makes.

Now off to slay my local institutional dragons.
xmca mailing list
Received on Sat Jun 30 08:18 PDT 2007

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