[xmca] B. V. Belyayev?

From: David Kellogg <vaughndogblack who-is-at yahoo.com>
Date: Sun Apr 08 2007 - 19:38:28 PDT

Can anyone tell me anything more about Boris Vasilevich Belyayev (1900-1968), Professor of Methodology at the University of Moscow? I know he wrote and published "The Psychology of Teaching Foreign Languages" in the late 1950s during the Vygotsky thaw (translated and published in 1963 by the Pergamon Oxford Russian series). I've got a copy and it's very Vygotskyan in places (especially his discussion of concepts and word meanings). How much did he know of the master's work, and when/how did he know it?
  David Kellogg
  Seoul National University of Education

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