Could we reframe your thoughts as the question whether is it really
relevant than the more competent partner in a ZOPED be a human person?
On Dec 20, 2006, at 10:31 PM, Cunningham, Donald James wrote:
> No one picked up on this and I should probably just drop it but the
> continued discussion on ZOPED prompts me to ask, could a computer
> algorithm be a "more knowledgeable" partner? Adaptive testing is
> another
> example of an artificial intelligence that tries to move people into a
> zone of maximum response. If the vision in EPIC 2015 were actualized,
> might not the algorithm be a sensei, showing us the way forward? I
> understand that the notion of _forward_ is problematic, but is that
> not
> also true of a human sensei......or any teacher? And why should the
> goal
> in a zoped be the ability to act independently? Most of the things
> in my
> life that have expanded my capabilities are things I have come to rely
> on and are now a part of me. I can't imagine how I ever wrote anything
> of value when I wrote in long hand, had a poor (now nearly blind
> thanks
> to me) secretary type it up, correct, edit, repeat, and so forth.
> Here I
> link with Donna's contribution where she mentions natural born
> cyborgs.
> Can anyone doubt that within my lifetime (and I'm OLD) that things
> like
> MP3's and cell phones will be available as surgical implants?
> Mind you, this all scares the beejeezes out of me..........djc
> Don Cunningham
> Indiana University
> "Whatever you are, be a good one" - A. Lincoln
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Cunningham, Donald James
> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:05 PM
> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
> Subject: [xmca] Evolving personalized instructional construct?
> I sometimes wonder if the future of education is parallel to the
> future
> proposed for the news media in the flash movie EPIC 2005 (there is
> also
> an earlier version EPIC 2004). Available here:
> Don Cunningham
> Indiana University
> "Whatever you are, be a good one" - A. Lincoln
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