CoP? Re: [xmca] A CHAT initiative on the doctorate?

From: Tony Whitson (twhitson@UDel.Edu)
Date: Mon May 15 2006 - 08:54:31 PDT

Interesting idea, Don.

While we're at this, I'm wondering about Legitimate Peripheral
Participation (LPP) in Communities of Practice (CoP) as a related
framework (i.e., Lave, Wenger, et al.).

CoP theory seems more immediately obvious as a framework for design for
doctoral preparation; but CoP & CHAT seem compatable, overlapping, etc.
but not identical. Don, your suggestion could provide a concrete focus for
exploring the relationships between these frameworks.

On Mon, 15 May 2006, Cunningham, Donald James wrote:

> I have been interested in the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate
> (there is a recent article about it in the Educational Researcher -
> archer/3503/3592-03_Shulman_RN_C.pdf). It occurred to me that in our
> quest to identify good existing examples of zopeds, an alternative
> strategy might be to design one. Often it is easier to understand
> something you have created than something you are looking at from the
> outside. What would a doctoral program built along the principles of
> CHAT look like? For example, would there be "leading activities" and/or
> "social situations of development" and/or
> "meaning-formation-activities". If so, what are some examples? Would
> using Engestrom's triangles assist us in designing or revising a
> doctoral program? In what way would the essence of a zoped be embodied?
> Maybe some of you already know of such programs and could tell us about
> them.
> Anyone interested in exploring this?
> Don Cunningham
> Indiana University
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Tony Whitson
UD School of Education

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