[xmca] Of Possible Interest/Pass along

From: Lois Holzman (lholzman@eastsideinstitute.org)
Date: Tue May 02 2006 - 11:27:08 PDT

Dear XMCA-ers,
We're currently recruiting for participants for the 2006-7 class of our
global residency-online course of study (described below). In the first two
years of the program, we've had a wonderful mix of practitioners and
scholars from different professional backgrounds from countries in Africa,
Eastern Europe, Latin America, Scandinavia, the US and Canada. It's a
fabulous program ‹ creative, challenging, fun, useful (I'm completely
completely biased, of course). Some folks here might be interested and/or
know of others who might be. I'd appreciate it if you would pass the info

The International Class
of the East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy
A Global Learning Community

The International Class is a course of study in postmodern and
activity-theoretic approaches to human development and learning. Emphasis is
on social therapeutics, a methodology utilized in diverse mental health,
educational, youth development and community organizing settings in the US
and internationally.

The ten-month program synthesizes innovative theory with real-world
applications. It combines residencies in New York City and seminars,
supervision, and project development sessions conducted online.


Residencies. The International Class comes together at the Institute three
times during the academic year (two five-day and one ten-day residency
period) to work together as a group with Institute faculty and associates.
Site visits, observations, participant observations and experiential
learning activities supplement daily seminar activity.
At Home. In between residencies, students study the social therapeutic
method in relation to other socio-cultural, postmodern, cultural and
collaborative approaches to learning and development. Among the specific
areas explored in this process are theories of performance, the activity of
philosophizing, socio-cultural activity theory, group process, and community
development. Seminars, dialogues with guest colleagues of the Institute,
mentoring, and supervision take place online and through occasional
The International Class is cross-disciplinary and open to practitioners and
scholars with a broad range of educational and life experiences‹and a
passion for innovation. Scholarships are available for those outside the
United States.

For more information, including dates, fees, applications and scholarship
forms, contact
Lois Holzman, Director
lholzman@eastsideinstitute.org <mailto:lholzman@eastsideinstitute.org>
East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy
920 Broadway, 14th floor
New York NY 10010
tel 212.941.8906, fax 212.941.0511

The East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy is an
international research and training center for new approaches to human
development and community building. We develop and promote psychological and
educational practices that relate to people of all ages as social performers
of their lives. To learn about the Institute¹s work, visit
www.eastsideinstitute.org <http://www.eastsideinstitute.org/> .

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