[xmca] Jobs, postdocs, moneys...

From: David Preiss (davidpreiss@puc.cl)
Date: Tue Nov 08 2005 - 05:14:39 PST

Directly from Australia.


Lecturer in Individual Differences; Honours Coordinator (2005) Brennan
MacCallum Building (A18), Room 449
Email: damianb@psych.usyd.edu.au
www: http://www.psych.usyd.edu.au/staff/damianb
Tel: +61-2-9351-4236 (lab x66051); Fax: +61-2-9036-5223

>Sponsor: Educational Testing Service
>Program Number: 03097
>Title: Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
>E-mail: internfellowships@ets.org
>Program URL:
> Up to three fellows will be selected to conduct independent research
>in Princeton, New Jersey, in one of the following areas: psychology,
>education, teaching, learning, literacy, statistics, computer science,
>educational technology, minority issues, and testing issues, including
>new forms of assessment and alternate forms of assessment for special
>Deadline(s): 01/02/2006
>Link to full program description:
>Sponsor: Center for Cultural Analysis
>Program Number: 70431
>Title: Visiting
>E-mail: info@cca.rutgers.edu
>Web Site:
>Program URL:
> The sponsor awards fellowships to visiting scholars for 2006-07 on
>the topic of "Cultures of Circulation". The sponsor invites scholars
>from all disciplinary perspectives to submit proposals for studies of
>all kinds--empirical, analytical, literary, historical, theoretical.
>Emphasis will be given to projects that are markedly interdisciplinary
>in approach.
>Deadline(s): 06/01/2006
>Link to full program description:
>Sponsor: National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
>Program Number: 78329
>Title: Developmental Projects in Complementary Approaches to Cancer
>E-mail: smithwe@mail.nih.gov
>Program URL:
> The sponsor provides support to conduct innovative developmental
>pilot research investigating complementary approaches in cancer.
>Eligible applicants are domestic and foreign for-profit or non-profit
>organizations, public or private institutions, such as universities,
>colleges, hospitals, and laboratories, units of state and local
>governments, eligible agencies of the federal government, and
>faith-based or community-based organizations. The R21 award mechanism
>will be used.
>Deadline(s): 01/02/2006
> 01/06/2006
> 01/10/2006
> This program expires on November 2, 2006.
>Link to full program description:
>Sponsor: National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
>Program Number: 81153
>Title: Research on the Economics of Diet, Activity and Energy
>E-mail: mb53o@nih.gov
>Program URL:
> The sponsor offers support for research projects that enhance the
>state-of-the-science on the causes of obesity and to inform federal
>decision making on effective public health interventions for reducing
>the rate of obesity in the United States. Research strategies that nest
>economic analysis within a broader interdisciplinary context of other
>social and behavioral sciences as well as the epidemiological,
>bio-statistical, medical, and biological disciplines relevant to public
>health policy are especially encouraged. This PA will use the NIH
>exploratory/developmental grant (R21) and research project grant
>(R01) award mechanisms.
>Deadline(s): 01/02/2006
> 01/06/2006
> 01/10/2006
> 01/02/2007
> 01/06/2007
> 01/10/2007
>This program expires on November 2, 2007, unless reissued.
>Link to full program description:
>Sponsor: National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
>Program Number: 81477
>Title: Decision Making in Health: Behavior
>E-mail: nelsonw@mail.nih.gov
>Program URL:
> The sponsor offers support for research projects that will expand the
>knowledge of basic decision-making processes underlying initiation and
>long-term maintenance of healthy lifestyle behaviors that may reduce
>one's risk of cancer and other chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular
>disease, diabetes, and addiction. Specifically, this Program
>Announcement seeks to elucidate the basic cognitive and affective
>processes involved in decisions that are made repeatedly over time,
>such as adhering to weight-loss programs, exercise programs, alcohol
>treatment programs, smoking cessation and other substance abuse
>treatment programs, or medical treatment regimens. Excluded from this
>initiative are studies that examine single-event decisions, which are
>discrete decisions made at specific points in time. This PA will use
>the NIH research project grant (R01) and the NIH
>exploratory/developmental grant (R21) award mechanisms.
>Deadline(s): 01/02/2006
> 01/06/2006
> 01/10/2006
> 01/02/2007
> 01/06/2007
> 01/10/2007
>This program expires on January 3, 2008.
>Link to full program description:
>Sponsor: Ashoka
>Program Number: 83162
>Title: The Changemakers Innovation Award
>E-mail: disasters@changemakers.net
>Web Site:
>Program URL:
> The sponsor offers awards that recognize the best social change
>strategies that emerge from "open source" competitions; each
>competition cycle identifies and refines solutions to a pressing global
>problem. The topic of this competition cycle is "Meeting Disaster, How
>to Prepare and Respond".
>Deadline(s): 22/11/2005
>Link to full program description:
>Sponsor: National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS
>Program Number: 85879
>Title: Non-injection Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS
>E-mail: le30 who-is-at @nih.gov
>Program URL:
> The sponsors offer support for drug abuse research that elucidates
>the contribution of non-injection drug abuse to the acquisition and/or
>transmission and/or disease progression of HIV/AIDS. Specifically, it
>seeks to: investigate how, where, why, and among whom HIV/AIDS is
>spreading through non-injection drug use associated high-risk sexual
>behavior; develop effective prevention and treatment interventions for
>non-injection drug users at risk for or infected with HIV; and improve
>accessibility and utilization of evidence-based, integrated care for
>non-injection drug abuse, risky sexual behavior, and HIV/AIDS and other
>infectious diseases. This PA will use the NIH R01 award mechanism.
>Deadline(s): 02/01/2006
> 01/02/2006
> 01/05/2006
> 01/06/2006
> 01/09/2006
> 01/10/2006
> 02/01/2007
> 01/02/2007
> 01/05/2007
> 01/06/2007
> 01/09/2007
> 01/10/2007
> 02/01/2008
> 01/02/2008
> 01/05/2008
> 01/06/2008
> 01/09/2008
> 01/10/2008
> 02/01/2009
>The deadlines for receipt of standard applications are: February 1,
>June 1, and October 1 annually. The deadlines for receipt of
>AIDS-related applications are January 2, May 1, and September 1
>annually. This program will expire on January 3, 2009.
>Link to full program description:

Professor Sally Andrews
School of Psychology (Building A19)
University of Sydney
Sydney 2006

Ph: (612) 9351 8297
Fax:(612)9351 2603

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