Re: [xmca] Activity Systems and Time

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Sat Oct 15 2005 - 08:20:02 PDT

I believe that modern graphics program afford representation both of
variability and time and the two
combined, Carol. I beieve that is what bb has been playing with.

On 10/15/05, Carol Macdonald <> wrote:
> Mike pointed out that the Activity System is an abstraction: I see it as
> an
> external tool, and as it is currently drawn, it only represents two
> dimensions. Time—which can't be represented, is the fourth dimension and
> as such, we could only represent it by having a continuously moving
> system,
> but this is best done discursively as the relationships are continuously
> changing. As Mike (1996:141) said:
> The various components of an activity system do not exist in isolation
> from
> one another; rather, they are constantly being constructed, renewed, and
> transformed as outcome and cause of human life.
> It is our job to describe the construction, renewal and transformation and
> changed relationships: the schema per se cannot do that for us.
> Carol Macdonald
> Wits School of Education
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