[xmca] Fwd: English Education/Literacy Position at NYU

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@uga.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 29 2005 - 08:30:20 PDT

>>From: Sarah Woodward Beck <sarah.beck@nyu.edu>
>>Dear Peter,
>>The School of Education has opened a faculty line in English Education
>>for which I have attached the announcement. I am contacting you
>>directly in the hope that you might know of someone at either the entry
>>or mid-career/recently tenured level
>>who might be a good fit for the position, particularly someone who
>>works from a CHAT perspective. If you know of anyone who fits this
>>description, I'd appreciate your passing this announcement on to them
>>and/or giving me their names so that I can
>>contact them directly.
>>Many thanks for your help and I hope one day to be able to reciprocate.
>>Best regards,
>>Sarah W. Beck
>>Department of Teaching and Learning
>>New York University
>>239 Greene St.
>>635 East Bldg.
>>New York, NY 10003
>>phone: 212-998-5473
>>fax: 212-995-4198

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