Not from outside of the USA, Peg. Quite the contrary, from here it seems
that Iraq is a neglected issue by the mainstream USA media, as it was the
fourth anniversary of 9/11. The USA has an astounishing short memory that
even does not allow its people to remember its present.
David Preiss
Profesor Auxiliar / Assistant Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Escuela de Psicología
Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860
Macul, Santiago,
Fono: 56-2-3544605
Fax: 56-2-354-4844
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Peg Griffin
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:52 AM
To: 'eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity'
Subject: [xmca] linking
I hope APA has people displaced from the gulf working out and working on
their response.
Here things seem to be both quicker and more durable when the people to be
affected work with the government and NGO people. It is too easy for us
outsiders to get it wrong if insiders aren't colleagues!
Most interesting to me this week here is a widespread linking of the victims
on the gulf and the US armed forces in Iraq. Before now, the link seemed to
be that we needed the troops here more than there. Now it is different. The
troops in Iraq are grouped with the people displaced from the gulf: not just
that they are people in danger but that they were/are being badly treated by
the government and that the rest of us cannot leave their fate up to that
same government operating without our careful supervision.
Has such a link and such a change over time been observed elsewhere? Peg
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of David Preiss
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 9:51 AM
To: 'eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity'
Subject: [xmca] FW: APA Hurricane Katrina Relief Activities
-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Norman Anderson []
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 4:15 PM
To: david.preiss@YALE.EDU
Subject: APA Hurricane Katrina Relief Activities
September 12, 2005
APA Hurricane Katrina Relief Activities
In response to Hurricane Katrina, the American Psychological Association
(APA) will take a number of steps designed to achieve the following goals:
* Provide assistance to victims of the storm through gifts to
charitable and relief organizations targeting recovery efforts in the
affected areas.
* Provide financial assistance in the form of dues relief to APA
members whose homes and/or livelihoods have been affected by the storm.
* Work to ensure that cultural competency skills training is part of
the mental health response to disaster-relief efforts.
* Help the psychology academic and training communities recover from
the storm.
* Help foster information exchange within the psychology community.
* Educate the public and policymakers about trauma, trauma recovery,
and the role of psychologists.
Specifically, APA will do the following:
1. Provide financial assistance to victims of the storm through gifts to
charitable and relief organizations targeting recovery and rebuilding
efforts in the affected areas
APA will donate $50,000 to each of the following organizations - the Red
Cross, the Bush-Clinton Katrina Recovery Fund, and Habitat for Humanity.
These donations will be earmarked for Katrina recovery efforts.
APA will publicize these contributions and encourage members to make their
own contributions to these organizations or others doing recovery work in
the affected areas.
2. Provide financial assistance in the form of dues relief to APA members
whose homes and or livelihoods have been affected by the storm
One-Year Dues and Assessment Exemption: Provide a one-year dues and practice
assessment exemption for all members and affiliates who live and/or work
within the affected areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama (as
determined by the U.S. Post Office's designation of zip code areas where
mail delivery is currently impossible as a result of storm damage/or by FEMA
disaster designations). With the dues statements that will go out later this
month, a cover letter will be included to members in the affected areas
informing them that they are automatically being given a hardship waiver to
their 2006 dues.
3. Help the psychology academic and training communities recover from the
A) One-Year Fees Exemption: Offer a one-year accreditation and sponsor
approval fees exemption for academic/institutional sponsors of accredited
programs and for CE sponsors in the storm effected areas.
B) Electronic Product Licensing Extension: Allow a 4-month free contract
extension on all leases and licenses to colleges and universities where the
impact and damage are so bad that they will not be opening for classes for
2-4 months. Estimated costs are approximately $33,000.
C) Grants to Psychology Departments/Training: Establish a $50,000 fund to
assist psychology education and training departments/institutions in the
replacement of destroyed materials or other needs associated with the
hurricane. Departments can apply for grants up to $5,000.
4. Build programs to add to and complement the number of psychologists with
training to work in disaster-response situations and work to ensure that
cultural competency skills training is part of the mental health response to
disaster-relief efforts.
A) Facilitation of Ongoing Mental Health Efforts: Continue to encourage
members to volunteer with Red Cross/APA Disaster Response Network and SAMHSA
mental health efforts by placing relevant links on our Web site. Provide
other relevant links when they become available. Create and supply
information materials to other community leaders and members who will have
direct and informal contact with storm victims such as teachers, ministers,
hairdressers and police officers. These materials will include information
on loss, traumatic stress, dislocation and resilience.
B) Grants to State Psychological Associations: Establish a $50,000 fund to
allow state associations to apply for grants for activities related to
mental health training and services related to Hurricane Katrina. Funds
could also be used to meet other state association needs related to the
hurricane. Each grant could be up to $5,000.
C) Emergency Task Force on Multicultural Training: This would be a nine
member task force (four representatives from the ethic minority associations
and five other members appointed by the APA President). It will begin its
work quickly utilizing face-to-face meetings and web and telephone
communications to make recommendations to the Board about ways APA and the
ethnic minority psychological associations could help ensure culturally
competent services to victims and their families.
5. Help foster information exchange within the psychology community
Clearinghouse of Resources for Psychologists in Need: Provide support for
Division 31 (State, Provincial, and Territorial Associations) and CESPPA in
their effort to create a Web-based clearinghouse of resources needed and
resources available through each of the 50 state associations.
6. Educate the public about trauma, and trauma recovery, and the role of
A) Outreach to Media Organizations: In addition to our ongoing efforts to
respond to media requests, we can proactively contact media outlets to offer
experts on the mental health aspects of the hurricane aftermath. In
particular, we can reach out to national programs such as Dr. Phil (who has
already consulted APA staff) and Oprah to assist in shows that might take
this focus.
B) Use APA.Org as a national public education tool: Materials about trauma
and trauma recovery have been posted on the site and will be updated as
appropriate. as an information response has been publicized through
press releases and in national publications.
C) Outreach to Policymakers and Federal Agencies: Facilitate and provide
input on legislative and agency activities related to Hurricane Katrina
relief efforts to promote the application of psychological science and to
ensure the inclusion of a mental health perspective.
Total APA Contribution to Hurricane Relief Efforts
The cost of the aforementioned activities in terms of donations and forgone
revenue will be approximately $465,000 for APA. This does not include
considerable in-kind contributions from staff efforts.
Future Steps by APA
APA recognizes that the consequences of hurricane Katrina are still
unfolding and will be doing so for some time. Therefore, the association
will continue to monitor developments and stands ready to provide additional
relief assistance as appropriate in the future.
APA Office of Public Affairs
The American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-5700
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