Re: [xmca] Questions for ISCAR

From: Tamara Ball (
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 08:14:49 PDT

How can we think/see in more detail the merging/meeting/interweaving of
macro-social deterministic theories with studies of the micro world of
"intentional" agentive beings?
Tamara Ball
On Sep 10, 2005, at 1:16 PM, Mike Cole wrote:

> Here are the questions we have so far plus one from me.
> 1. Leading activities: transitions from one to another; what
> categories or
> methods prove useful for some leading activities but less so for
> others; how
> to tell if an analysis works differ depending on the leading activity
> being
> studied? What happens to contemporaneous "non-leading" activities?
> 2. How should we understand the relation between monism, marx, &
> Spinoza?
> 3. How can language (Discourse mode?) be a tool for developing
> critical
> thinking among urban poor school participants?
> 4. some question about work activity (I am guessing, Helena), or
> maybe,
> what happened to your exciting symposium idea!
> 5. My question is about intervention studies. What do we know about
> the
> influence of relative power between interveners and those
> who are being "helped" on what transpires? This could be reformulated
> to as
> "who is the agent in intervention studies and who
> profits from them?"
> Who goes next? The world map is telling us that plenty of us have
> plenty
> of questions! And those of us going to Sevilla have several
> days to seek answers and report back about what we did or did not find.
> mike
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Tamara Ball
doctoral studies
Education Department UCSC
home phone: (831) 420-1080
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