[xmca] Teacher unions and Katrina

From: Peg Griffin (Peg.Griffin@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sun Sep 04 2005 - 09:38:30 PDT

1 888 238 5646 toll free Louisiana Federation of Teachers will update so
that members can receive information about their jobs, benefits, and
services that the union will provide.
As of Friday, the national AFT was still attempting to contact
representatives in Mississippi and Alabama for their information.
And the national AFT says this, too: "The AFL-CIO Community Services
Organization working with the American Red Cross said that they too will
soon need volunteers to staff shelters for the homeless in multiple states.
They have forewarned that this will be difficult work. Hotel rooms and warm
nutritious food may not at first, be available. Volunteers may sleep and eat
at the shelters in which they are volunteering. The Red Cross will be
looking for volunteers for three week efforts, and can only take volunteers
in good health and do not have any regular medicine needs. There may be the
need for up to date immunizations and those details are now being

Does anyone have the NEA information?

Did you see the barbarian governor of MS saying on CBS that people should
have evacuated when he and the shrub said to and then they wouldn't be dead?

I think sometimes we forget how often the obvious has to be said -- not for
information but for counterweight.
One important part of the disaster is that it occurred at month's end when
money is gone for a lot of people. That's true of a lot of the displaced
people who got a little help and made it this far. Barbarians are ignorant
of those and other realities.
A little while later a newsman on the same CBS show did say that many people
couldn't evacuate because they had no cars or gas, or money for transport,
or to pay for lodging if they got away.
An African American video essayist on the "CBS Sunday Morning" laid out the
facts as directly and more elaborately than Kanye West did.
A barrage of calls and emails may call attention and protection to these
people and maybe CBS won't apologize, too.


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