Hi all,
inasmuch as Sevilla's congress is approaching
and its schedule will contain a meeting of newborn sections
I decide to address to all with a little announcement.
Dear colleges,
it's a little bit late to congratulate all of us with the registration of
our newborn "Dialectical psychology section" - the event took place in the
last midsummer - and it's high time to begin to work.
Soon in Seville most of us will have a possibility to take a closer look at
each other and to discuss our plans. But it will be helpful to get ready to
our meeting and to begin our discussion immediately.
As it strikes me we have to discuss several questions:
1. Information.
I mean we can inform each other about all new ideas, publications,
seminars, online or offline discussions wherever they take place.
For example today I know three such events:
a) Mike Cole's XMCA (in case of such constantly functioning forums as
XMCA we can point at the topics of our closer interest)
http://communication.ucsd.edu/MCA/Mail/index.html ;
b) Peters Moxhay's XBDG group discussing the E.V.Ilienkov's "Dialectic
of abstract and concrete in Marx's "Das Kapital"
(besides the texts you can find there some interesting photos
c) Offline "Moscow wide seminar on cultural-historical psychology". The
audio records, photos and texts from seminar (in Russian) is available on my
website http://www.voxnet.ru/~monada/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=6
d) Hope that some of section's members can prolong this list.
2. Technical means of our future communication.
a) We have to open a registration list to have a possibility for
E-mailing all interesting information to sections members;
b) We have to organize a special website with web conference (a
listserve discussion group), useful links, library of classic texts, audio
and video records, photos, an electronic journal for current publications
which lately can transform into a full size paper journal etc.; the
replenishment of our site with materials of common interest will be the goal
of all of us.
c) Temporarily (before we will organize such a website) I invite
everybody to my website
http://www.voxnet.ru/~monada/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=11 and
http://www.voxnet.ru/~monada ;
d) To inform all ISCAR members of section activity we will prepare a
special part of the ISCAR Newsletter;
3. The most difficult problem is a problem of common language
(English-Russian and Russian-English translation). Unfortunately among a
group of Russian philosophers and psychologists - members of our section - I
with my middling English am the best English speaker :-(. So if we wish to
begin a real common international discussion we will need to solve a problem
of funding of translation of our future conversations. Most of Russian
philosophers know German, but still I think that working languages in our
Dialectical community must be English and Russian.
4. Themes and order of our discussions. I do not want to forestall the
colleges with this meaty question. Let's form the preliminary list of
theoretic problems desirable to discuss in the immediate future collecting
each voce.
5. The organization of summer schools for students and post graduates
looks very useful.
6. One day we'll organize special symposia on the future ISCAR
congresses, or organize a special section conferences or working meetings.
7. Finally I recommend for all participants of our section to pay
attention to a new Newton Duarte's section because as far as I understand
the subject of our sections is practically identical.
If I've probably forgotten something essential I'll be grateful for
specifications and additions.
Sasha Surmava
From: Mike Cole [mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 8:29 PM
To: Xmca
Subject: Fwd: [ISCAR] Section Proposals
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ISCAR Announcement <iscar-announce@iscar.org>
Date: Jun 10, 2005 1:45 AM
Subject: [ISCAR] Section Proposals
To: iscar-announce@iscar.org
Call for ISCAR sections
Dear ISCAR Member,
As mentioned in the last newsletter (Vol. 3, No. 4),
ISCAR will give the possibility to organize sections
around topics of particular interest.
For more details, see: http://www.iscar.org/sectionnews.html
The Executive Committee is requesting that proposals be
sent to them by 1 July, so that we can arrange for sections
to meet as part of the ISCAR Congress program.
As part of preparing such proposals, some groups of persons
have proposed the following ideas as potential sections.
You are encouraged to contact them if you are interested in
participating with them, or if you have suggestions for
modifying or expanding their proposals.
Please note that all are still welcome to send a proposal
for a section, even if they are not included here. Perhaps
these proposals will help to inspire other ideas.
If you have questions, then you are welcome to write
to Seth Chaiklin: seth@iscar.org
Steve Harris and Olav Bertelsen are interested in forming
a section on information technology design.
Here is a draft text for what will become a proposal for
an ISCAR section on ATIT.
The ISCAR section on Activity-Theoretical Information
Technology Design (ATIT) will aim to bring together researchers
and practitioners involved with the use of AT-based methods for
the design and evaluation of computer software and hardware,
information systems, human-computer interaction,
computer-supported cooperative work, and computer-based work
processes generally. We see the role of this section as being
to promote and support an exciting and innovative
multidisciplinary discourse which recognizes that the practical
application of activity theory to the development of technology
transcends traditional boundaries between the theoretical and
applied sciences, and between science, art, and design.
They are interested in getting feedback and suggestions, as well
as hearing from those who might be interested in participating in
such a section. Please write to: Steve Harris <srharris@glam.ac.uk>
Fran Hagstrom is interested in establishing a section on "Cultural
Functional Neuropsychology." The section would be grounded in thematic
issues that pertain to the cultural historical correlates of individual
mental functioning, particularly as these apply to children and adults with
developmental and/or acquired differences. If you are interested in
participating in such a section, or would like to discuss possible
or extensions of such an idea, then please contact Fran, after 20 June, at
We are a group of Russian psychologists and philosophers who are already
ISCAR members or in process of registration. We want to establish an
international section of "Dialectical psychology" (the term belongs
to L.S.Vygotsky).
Among us are Felix Mikhailov, Lev Naumenko, Alexey Novokhatko,
Vladimir Kudriavtsev, Elena and Gennady Kravtsov, Elena E. Sokolova,
Elena and Sergey Mareyev, Galina Mishina, Alexander Simakin, Gennady
Lobastov and me - Alexander Surmava. Most of us are disciples of
Evald Ilyenkov, Alexey N. Leont'iev or/and Vasilij V. Davidov.
Each of us is involved in theoretical and experimental investigations
in the fields of theoretical, educational and special psychology,
methodology and epistemology.
We are interested in wide international cooperation in the process of
development of cultural historical and activity theory and practice.
We are sure, that this development can and must be based on the same
theoretical background on which Lev Vygotsky stood, on the basis of
high European philosophical rationalism which is marked by names of
Plato, Spinoza, Hegel, Marx and Ilyenkov.
We are sure that wide international cooperation can give a powerful
impulse to the development of our common work. Last year a
theoretical seminar concerning problems of cultural-historical
psychology was organized in Moscow. We are going to continue it in
both off-line and on-line forms as well as to publish the results of
our common search, to organize seminars, conferences etc., etc.
We invite everybody who is interested to participate in a
"Dialectical psychology" section of ISCAR to connect with us
through the website:
or by E-mail: <monada@netvox.ru>
ISCAR - International Society for Cultural and Activity Research
Webpage: http://www.iscar.org <http://www.iscar.org>
Queries: info@iscar.org
xmca mailing list
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