[xmca] Use of Katrina tragedy for internet fraud

From: David Daniel Preiss Contreras (davidpreiss@puc.cl)
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 14:15:14 PDT

Watch well where you send your money.

David D. Preiss
home page: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~ddp6/

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From: "Philip Long, Chief Information Officer" <cio@yale.edu>
To: "Members of the Yale Community" <itscomm2@yale.edu>
Subject: Protecting Yourself from Internet Fraud
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:13:24 -0400
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Welcome to or welcome back to campus!
Yale has tremendous resources at your disposal, including an excellent
research and teaching network with outstanding Internet connectivity.
It is unfortunate that the start of this academic year is also marked by the
devastation of Hurricane Katrina to Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
Scam artists are now attempting to profit from this misfortune by tricking
individuals wishing to make donations online. Already in several cases
contributions have been solicited via malicious emails that are pointing
users to phony websites.
If you wish to make donations online safely, please do not directly use
email based web links from uncertain sources - instead, manually connect
with the intended site by entering or looking up the web address yourself in
your own browser. Yale has created a website at http://www.yale.edu/katrina
so that you may connect safely with various agencies regarding the relief
Within the past year identity theft has become a significant problem on the
Internet and is now known as phishing -- the use of bogus but
realistic-looking websites and mass-mailed forged email messages. For more
information on this increasing Internet risk, please visit the following
Yale websites:
regarding identify theft: http://www.yale.edu/its/security/idtheft.htm
regarding phishing: http://www.yale.edu/its/security/phish.html
Always be wary of any electronic mail requests which ask for any personal
information such as passwords, credit card or bank account numbers. Note
that in the past year, several Yale web sites and services have been the
subject of phishing attempts.
This phishing serves as a stark reminder that we all must be alert to the
risks of using the Internet; please keep in mind the following issues for
using Yale's network responsibly and securely:
1. All of Yale's electronic resources are governed by applicable laws and
policies, including Yale's IT Appropriate Use Policy, which is available
along with other IT policies at http://www.yale.edu/its/policy/.
As continuing law suits remind us, the sharing of copyrighted material is
illegal and - obviously - against Yale policies; violators will be subject
to appropriate discipline. There are now many options for legal access to
music via the Internet and, for the past year, Yale has had an arrangement
for an easy legal access to digital music and movies via the "CTrax" service
2. Although the Internet is part of daily life for most of us, all forms of
network communications, such as email and web browsing, have some associated
risks. Each year has brought marked increases in security breaches, virus
infections, and computer vulnerabilities across the Internet and at Yale.
Please remember that we may have to disconnect a compromised computer from
the network to protect the community. You can minimize risk to yourself and
to our community by keeping your machine well managed. Everyone should make
arrangements for keeping your computer up-to-date with security patches,
regardless of what operating system the computer is running. Most of you
obtain professional IT support from a local provider (please see
http://www.yale.edu/its/supportgroups.html for a list of standard support
contacts in each of the schools and departments). For those of you who
maintain your own machine, please refer to best practices for managing your
own machine at http://www.yale.edu/its/security/compsecure.htm.
Among best practices, Yale provides Symantec Anti-Virus for Windows and
Macintosh users which should be installed on all computers (at home and on
the road as well as at Yale - available at http://www.yale.edu/software ).
Symantec AV version 10 now includes protection against new malicious
software threats such as 'spyware'.
3. Finally, Email is one of the most active sources of computer infections
and annoying messages. While there are currently no technological panaceas
to eliminate spam, many virus infected messages and a considerable amount of
spam can be kept out of your email inbox (and therefore at no risk to your
local computer) by using the Virus Quarantine and Spam Management services
available via the Email Account Tool web site at:
https://config.mail.yale.edu . (New students, faculty and staff please
note: these services are "ON" by default; please be sure to see
http://www.yale.edu/email/helpdocs/folder_review.html for information on how
to review the central server-based folders containing your filtered spam and
virus email).
Yale's network provides access to a tremendous suite of resources but
Internet use does carry some risk. A little basic attention can greatly
minimize your exposure.
All of us at Information Technology Services hope you will have a productive
and satisfying year at Yale.
Philip Long, Mailto:Philip.Long@yale.edu
Information Technology Services, Yale University
175 Whitney Avenue, Box 208276
New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8276
Phone: 203.432.3262, 203.432.3330 (fax)
NOTE: This official Yale University message can be viewed at YaleInfo and
the following site:

   Welcome to or welcome back to campus!

   Yale has tremendous resources at your disposal, including an excellent research and teaching network with outstanding Internet connectivity.

   It is unfortunate that the start of this academic year is also marked
   = by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to Louisiana, Mississippi
   and = Alabama. Scam artists are now attempting to profit from this misfortune by tricking individuals wishing to make donations online. Already in several cases contributions have been solicited via malicious emails that are pointing users to phony websites.

   If you wish to make donations online safely, please do not directly use email based web links from uncertain sources - instead, manually connect with the intended site by entering or looking up the web
   address = yourself in your own browser. Yale has created a website at
   [1]http://www.yale.edu/katrina so = that you may connect safely with
   various agencies regarding the relief = effort.

   Within the past year identity theft has become a significant problem on the Internet and is now known as phishing -- the use of bogus but realistic-looking websites and mass-mailed forged email messages. For more information on this increasing Internet risk, please visit
   the = following Yale websites:

     regarding identify theft: [2]http://www.yale.edu /its/security/idtheft.htm

     regarding phishing: [3]http://www.yale.edu/ its/security/phish.html

   Always be wary of any electronic mail requests which ask for any personal information such as passwords, credit card or bank account numbers. Note that in the past year, several Yale web sites and services have been the subject of phishing attempts.

   This phishing serves as a stark reminder that we all must be alert to
   = the risks of using the Internet; please keep in mind the following issues for using Yale's network responsibly and securely:

   1. All of Yale's electronic resources are governed by applicable laws
   = and policies, including Yale's IT Appropriate Use Policy, which is available along with other IT policies at
   [4]http://www.yale.edu/its/policy/<= /A>.
   As continuing law suits remind us, the sharing of copyrighted material is illegal and - obviously - against Yale policies; violators
   = will be subject to appropriate discipline. There are now many options for legal access to music via the Internet and, for the past year, Yale has had an arrangement for an easy legal access to digital
   = music and movies via the "CTrax" service [5]http:// www.yale.edu/amt/director/faq/cdigix_welcome.html .

   2. Although the Internet is part of daily life for most of us, all forms of network communications, such as email and web browsing, have
   = some associated risks. Each year has brought marked increases in security breaches, virus infections, and computer vulnerabilities
   across = the Internet and at Yale. Please remember that we may have
   to = disconnect a compromised computer from the network to protect the
   = community. You can minimize risk to yourself and to our community by keeping your machine well managed. Everyone should make arrangements for keeping your computer up-to-date with security
   patches, = regardless of what operating system the computer is
   running. Most = of you obtain professional IT support from a local
   provider (please see = [6]http://www.yale.edu/i= ts/supportgroups.html
   for a list of standard support contacts in = each of the schools and
   departments). For those of you who = maintain your own machine,
   please refer to best practices for managing = your own machine at
   [7]http://www.yale.= edu/its/security/compsecure.htm.

   Among best practices, Yale provides Symantec Anti-Virus for Windows and Macintosh users which should be installed on all computers (at
   home = and on the road as well as at Yale - available at
   [8]http://www.yale.edu/software&nb= sp;). Symantec AV version 10 now
   includes protection against new = malicious software threats such as

   3. Finally, Email is one of the most active sources of computer infections and annoying messages. While there are currently no technological panaceas to eliminate spam, many virus infected messages
   = and a considerable amount of spam can be kept out of your email
   inbox = (and therefore at no risk to your local computer) by using the
   Virus = Quarantine and Spam Management services available via the
   Email Account = Tool web site at: [9]https://config.mail.yale.edu&nb sp;. (New students, faculty and staff please note: these services are "ON" by default; please be sure to see [10]http://www yale.edu/email/helpdocs/folder_review.html for information on how = to
   review the central server-based folders containing your filtered spam
   = and virus email).

   Yale's network provides access to a tremendous suite of resources but
   = Internet use does carry some risk. A little basic attention can greatly minimize your exposure.

   All of us at Information Technology Services hope you will have a productive and satisfying year at Yale.

   Philip Long, [11]Mailto:Philip.Long@yale.edu
   I= nformation Technology Services, Yale University
   175 Whitney Avenue, = Box 208276
   New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8276
   Phone: 203.432.3262, = 203.432.3330 (fax)

   NOTE: This official Yale University message can be viewed at
   [12]YaleInfo and the following = site:


   1. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/katrina"
   2. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/its/security/idtheft.htm"
   3. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/its/security/phish.html"
   4. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/its/policy/"
   5. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/amt/director/faq/cdigix_welcome.html"
   6. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/its/supportgroups.html"
   7. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/its/security/compsecure.htm"
   8. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/software"
   9. 3D"https://config.mail.yale.edu"/
  10. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/email/helpdocs/folder_review.html"
  11. 3D"mailto:Philip.Long@yale.edu"
  12. 3D"http://www.yale.edu/yaleinfo"
  13. 3D"https://light.its.yale.edu/messages/UnivMsgs/detail.asp?Msg=108

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