Thanks for the info, David.
Do you know if any of the colleges and universities to the south and east of
Baton Rouge have any temporary web homes?
Does anyone know of anyone keeping track of ways to work with students,
teachers, researchers who have been displaced from the gulf?
Is anyone getting a database about displaced doctoral candidates who need to
replace months of data collection, students who need certain requirements to
graduate, junior faculty who have to rewrite their almost finished
manuscripts and so on?
Is anyone trying to get them together with university people who can help
them work out reasonable next steps?
So far the evidence from Yale and UC seems to say that those institutions
haven't yet recognized they might be the someones with the expertise to do
these sorts of things...
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of David Daniel Preiss Contreras
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:12 PM
To: ''
Subject: [xmca] Hurricane Katrina-LSU Student Relief Fund
A secular way to help, from the site of
Hurricane Katrina-LSU Student Relief Fund
Hurricane Katrina has had a terrible effect on our state and there are many
LSU students from South Louisiana who could use your help in this time of
need. The LSU Foundation's Hurricane Katrina - LSU Student Relief Fund was
created in response to the far-reaching damage caused by Hurricane Katrina,
and all donations to this fund will directly assist students whose lives
have been greatly affected by the storm.
To give to the relief fund by credit card, simply fill out the information
here. If you would like to donate by check, please make the check payable
to the LSU Foundation and indicate on the check that it is intended for the
LSU Student Relief Fund. You can mail your check to:
Hurricane Katrina-LSU Student Relief Fund
c/o LSU Foundation
3838 W. Lakeshore Dr.
Baton Rouge , LA 70808
Thank you for giving to the LSU Student Relief Fund, and, as always, thank
you for all you do for LSU.
David D. Preiss
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