[xmca] Fwd: [aera_division_c-announce] Announcement of Call for Proposals for the 7th annual meeting of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@uga.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 02:54:54 PDT

>Call for Proposals
>7th International Conference of the Learning Sciences
>Learning Sciences: Making a Difference
>Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana.
>June 27 to July 1, 2006
>Making a Difference
>ICLS is the official conference on the International Society of the
>Learning Sciences. Over
>the last two decades the Learning Sciences community has developed
>powerful technological
>tools, effective curricular interventions, and innovative theories for
>understanding and improving
>the teaching and learning process. While Learning scientists present rich
>accounts of learning
>in complex contexts, convincing policy makers, teachers, and other
>researchers of the
>theoretical and practical value of our work is not a straightforward
>process. We must show
>impact at the local level while at the same time, work to have claims of
>more global significance.
>In other words, we must make clear that the learning sciences make a
>The theme for ICLS 2006 is making a difference. We focus on demonstrating
>how our
>work is making a difference: to students, teachers, schools, and policy
>makers; to research
>methods; to theories and models of learning, instruction, and assessment.
>We anticipate lively
>discussions among scientists from around the world. The conference will
>take place at Indiana
>University in beautiful Bloomington, Indiana. We look forward to seeing
>you there.
>Conference proposals will be accepted for individual papers, symposia,
>posters, and
>innovative sessions designed to more effectively engage the audience.
>These proposals will be
>refereed and if accepted, will be included in the published conference
>proceedings. We will also
>accept proposals for pre-conference workshops and for participation in the
>doctoral consortium.
>Important Deadlines
>November 15, 2005 Submission deadline for papers, posters, symposia, and
>innovative sessions
>January 15, 2006 Submission deadline for Workshops
>March 1, 2006 Submission deadline for Doctoral consortium
>May 15, 2006 Deadline for early registration
>June 27 to July 1, 2006 ICLS 2006 conference in Bloomington, Indiana
>ICLS 2006 will support vendor displays. Please contact the conference
>chairs at
>ICLS2006@indiana.edu for further details.
>For Information not provided on the web site please contact
><mailto:bmccombs@du.edu>Barbara L. McCombs, Ph.D.
><http://www.du.edu/~dri/Personnel/McCombs.html>Senior Research Scientist
>and Director
><http://www.du.edu/~dri/HMLDC.html>Human Motivation, Learning, and
>Development Center
><http://www.du.edu/~dri>University of Denver Research Institute
>2050 E. Iliff Avenue, Boettcher East - Room 224
>Denver, CO 80208
>(303) 871-4245 Office
>(303) 871-2716 Fax
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