Re: [xmca] Help with article

From: Phil Chappell (
Date: Fri Aug 26 2005 - 02:48:56 PDT

Hi Leroy,

Well, that drama in my life was 2 years ago, and I'm pleased that it
has led to Wardekker's paper getting some attention. I found it a very
useful paper back then and have enjoyed re-reading it today.

I still wouldn't like to go back to that day when things sizzled and I
only had a partial back up in place. Glug!


A provoking quote from the paper:

"Even if research is focused on the personal plane, we should be aware
of the community level of activity and of the dynamic character of that
activity as the context of the personal plane. In other words, research
is not about a stable and objective world or about stable narratives of
it, but it is always about change and learning and its relation to
actions. In the other paradigms, change as a result of learning comes
after the research has been done; in CHAT (or at least, in my
interpretation of it), learning and the resulting change are the object
of the research, and a state of the world, or of a person, at any given
moment is interpreted as the result of change and development. Thus,
the product of research is not knowledge in the sense of a product that
can be transferred to other persons and situations; it is an
understanding of the change processes in a specific situation that may
or may not have implications for other situations. Knowledge is a
mediational means for focusing our attention on specific aspects of a

On 26/08/2005, at 2:42 PM, lcclarke wrote:

> Hi Phil & Ini,
> In a way Phil, the loss of your hard drive served a greater good for a
> number of us in the XCMA network. It is quite possible that I would not
> have had the opportunity to read this excellent review of paradigms by
> Wardekker (that is indeed germane to current discussion on
> method/methodology) if you did not have this unfortunate experience.
> Life, living and experience are truly interesting! The problem is that
> we are not always able to see all aspects of it to evaluate the overall
> impact. This is a good example that even a negative experience in our
> lives such as the loss of a hard drive can serve as a positive
> experience (blessing maybe) to others in our sphere.
> Cheers all!
> Leroy
> Leroy C. Clarke
> Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the
> University of Toronto
> Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
> 11th Floor, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto
> ON, Canada, M5S 1V6
> email:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Ini Haket
> Sent: August 25, 2005 10:56 AM
> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
> Subject: Re: [xmca] Help with article
> Hi Phil,
> Here's the article.
> Ini
> On 25 Aug 2005 at 21:10, Phil Chappell wrote:
>> Could someone please help out and send me an electronic copy of the
>> following article, which I lost when I had a hard drive crash a couple
>> of years ago. Regretfully my subscription is now lapsed.
>> Thanks kindly,
>> Phil
>> Wardekker, W. L., (2000) Criteria for the Quality of Inquiry, Mind,
>> Culture and Activity, 7(4)
>> <<O^^^O>>
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