A job for someone
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Noppe, Illene <noppei@uwgb.edu>
Date: Jun 3, 2005 9:56 AM
Subject: Please Help Us Fill A Position in Cross-Cultural Human Development
To: mcole@weber.ucsd.edu
Dear Dr. Cole,
We will be advertising for a cross-cultural human developmental position in
our department at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay for the Fall, 2006
semester. Our department is an undergraduate interdisciplinary program that
was originally modeled after the Committee on Human Development from the
University of Chicago. We focus on excellence in teaching, but our faculty
also are exceptionally active in research and in working with undergraduate
Research Assistants. We would really like to find applicants who are
interested in helping us develop the cross-cultural and/or ethnic
development component of our program. Our area of Northeastern Wisconsin is
rapidly diversifying, with an large number of Hmong, Hispanic and Russian
immigrants recently moving to the area. We also have a large Native American
population in the area. If you have any graduate students who are on the job
market for this year, please let them know about us! I am attaching a copy
of our position description and would be happy to discuss the position with
you or any of your students.
Thank you!
<<Position Announcement-Final2.doc>>
Illene C. Noppe, Ph.D.
Professor of Human Development/Psychology/Women's Studies
Department of Human Development
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
(920) 465-2703
FAX (920) 465-5044
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