National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research
Mid-winter Conference February 24-26, 2006
Literacy as a Civil Right:
Reclaiming Social Justice in Literacy
Featured & Keynote Speakers
Arnetha Ball - Stanford University
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva - Texas A & M University
Cathy Compton-Lilly - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Cathy Fleischer - Eastern Michigan University
Kevin Kumashiro - Center for Anti-Oppressive Education
Gloria Ladson-Billings - University of Wisconsin - Madsion
Still_Black who-is-at the
The Challenge of Faculty Racial Identity in Teacher Education
Carol Lee - Northwestern University
Amanda Lewis - University of Illinois - Chicago
Rules, Resources and Reasoning: Race in the Everyday Life of Schools
Pauline Lipman - Depaul University
Education Policy, Race, and Neoliberal Urbanism
Ernest Morrell - UCLA
Teaching Critical Literacy Through Popular Culture : Increasing Academic
Achievement and Civic Engagement in Urban Education
Sonia Nieto - University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Guadalupe Valdes - Stanford University
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