Re: Butterflies and life

From: Kevin Rocap (
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 07:24:10 PDT

Dear Nate,

As he is quoted in saying in the article he is "a comic victim of two
cultures." It is functional for him that he has been able to turn his
victimhood into a kind of celebrity. I have no issue with his private
and individual journey. But then, politically, he advocates for others
the same traumas he had to endure. And not everyone who goes through
them will come out a celebrity. That is my concern. His personal
journey is his own. But politically imposed on others I think it can
have devastating and hurtful consequences. Just my opinion.

In Peace,

willthereallsvpleasespeakup who-is-at wrote:

> Kevin Rocap wrote:
>> Dear Dorie, David, et al,
>> Actually one of the striking things about Rodriguez's book, imho, is
>> that it is a well-wrought chronicle of one who, though extremely
>> articulate, ultimately seems to reflect a near perfect form of
>> internalized oppression. While he recounts painful experiences of
>> having his race/ethnicity/cultural values ripped apart or ripped
>> away, rather than condemn the oppressor he, instead, chooses to
>> embrace the notion that assimilation at the expense of family and
>> cultural ties is "the way" and now reflects that viewpoint in his
>> politics being often anti-bilingual education or anti-affirmative
>> action, etc.
>> Rather than critique the oppression itself; he seems to embrace it
>> and lend his political voice to its work.
>> In Peace,
>> K.
> Opting out of a career in acadamia certainly sounds like a critique to
> me. I have always found his essays powerful and thought provoking.
> Here is an interview where he explains his position.

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