RE: Games, Learning & Society Conference 2005: Call for Papers

From: kurt squire (
Date: Wed Mar 09 2005 - 15:12:42 PST

Thanks! If you're interested in those issues from a learning sciences point
of view, Constance Steinkuehler, one of Jim Gee's students has been doing a
24 month cognitive ethnography of lineage 2, globally the most popular MMO.

I've dabbled a bit in the area as well, as I think has Jay Lemke. Anyway, I
agree that it's fascinating stuff, particularly when you start looking at
some of the implications of such a global play space. One of the better
stories that constance shared at the state of play conference in NY was
about virtual racism in regards to Chinese players who make a living selling
in game currencies to western players, as you can make a very good living by
Chinese standards just playing the game and selling what you make to a
western players.

I find it particularly interesting that this kind of experience could be
"normal" for a 14 year-old kid growing up in Nebraska.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Cole []
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Games, Learning & Society Conference 2005: Call for Papers

Sounds very interesting, Kurt. Sorry I did not have it in my sights
and cannot make it.
Just had Julian Dibble speak to my class about his work on "play"
money and online
fantasy gaming. Amazing stuff.

On Tue, 08 Mar 2005 15:50:14 -0600, Kurt Squire
<> wrote:
> hey folks -- thought that this might be interesting to some of you.
> Games, Learning & Society Conference 2005: Call for Papers
> Games, Learning & Society Conference 2005: Call for Papers
> June 23-24, 2005 . Madison WI
> <>
> Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Academic ADL
Co-Lab, the GLS Conference will foster substantive discussion and
collaboration among academics, designers, and educators interested in how
videogames * commercial games and others * can enhance learning, culture,
and education. Speakers, discussion groups, interactive workshops, and
exhibits will focus on game design, game culture, and games' potential for
learning and society more broadly. This two-day conference will be held at
Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace overlooking downtown Madison's beautiful
Lake Monona. Conference highlights include a two-day exhibit hall featuring
poster presentations and interactive demos of games; a special track of
selected, hands-on sessions designed specifically by and for practicing
teachers (continuing education credit may be available); and an outdoor
dinner party at historic Quivey's Grove. Participants and speakers currently
include John Seely Brown, Edward Castronova, Doug Church, James Paul Gee,
Henry Jenkins, Jesper Juul, Jay Lemke, Kurt Squire, and Eric Zimmerman.
> Deadline for proposals is March 14, 2005!
> i can move this back for some folks if it's a real problem.

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