David, i smiled as i read this message of yours. it reminds me of messages that Mike has put out to the list in previous years. i do agree about how opaque e-mail is. i often think that i'm writing on a mirror. thanks for the reminder. it is difficult to ascertain the meaning of the patterns.
From: David Preiss [mailto:davidpreiss@puc.cl]
Sent: Wed 10/13/2004 8:19 AM
To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
Subject: RE: hello, anyone there?
Dear Phillip,
E-mail is an opaque medium. I would no judge people's intentions just
based on their patterns of email communication. I have intended to jump
into lots of discussions here but I have not been able just because of
pressures from my life out of the internet. On the other hand, I guess
that not all of the topics matter the same way to everybody so I guess
it is natural that some "groups of interest" spontaneously emerge. I
follow most of them, but not always feel like I have something that is
really interesting to say. Last but not least, I know of several
"stalkers" which, while reading, don't use English as a first language,
so feel a bit shy about participating. There are several layers of
participation here, I guess...
David Preiss
Homepage: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~ddp6/
Telefono (Chile): 56-2-3547174
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