Re: post re Leontiev & Memory

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 09:44:01 PDT

No arguments, there Carlos. The Leontiev memory experiments ARE very
interesting. You might also be interested in the Istomina and Maniulenko
experiments that were published many years ago in Soviet Psychology and
where, arguable, they are models of ecologically valid memory research
using play settings. The Istomina work is very controversial because there
have been several failures, and a couple of successes, in replicating. The
Maniulenko experiment was replicated by Ivanova in Kharkov where it was
originally conducted, but a few years ago. This was on self control, but
not memory-- still interesting vis a vis eco validity. I believe that
Rogoff was a co-author on the successful replication of Istomina, and Ivanova
on also. In the Ivanova case, the basic finding is replicated but change
occurs at earlier age, suggesting cultural-historical change.

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