Re: Educational activity and school

From: Phil Chappell (
Date: Sat Oct 02 2004 - 22:18:29 PDT

I've just put my feelers out - some folks here in Thailand are very
interested in these kinds of projects, and since the government has
bought computers for every school in the country, it is theoretically
possible (I just wish they'd put electricity and phones in many of the
rural schools ;-) If the people at FEELTA in Vladivostok are involved,
that could spill over to my local organisation, as we're partners.

On Oct 2, 2004, at 10:36 PM, Mike Cole wrote:

> As coincidence would have it, it looks like LCHC will be engaged with
> a school system near Vladivostok which specializes in English-only
> instruction
> in a project where kids here and there create various digital projects
> and
> disuss them together in a virtual web space. Perhaps some of the folks
> you met
> are involved.

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