I was at a thesis defense today where I thought about you. About space,
access, being deaf, and sign language. Many fascinating issues with a lot of
discussion of space "versus" place (it turns out this distinction does not
exist in ASL and is extraordinarily difficult in English, even for someone
writing a thesis on it!).
What most fascinated me is that sign language uses space in a way that
spoken languages do not, so the reverberation from post-modern geography to
socio linguistics, inequallity in "shared" spaces/places, and the spatiality
of a particular rhetorical discourse had my head spinning....... and then,
as if by accident, the issue of spaces comes up on xmca. Amazing.
Interesting coincidence Mike,
Your distinction between ASL using space (body movement) and spoken/written
language using text (symbol movement) reminded me of Julie Cheville's
"minding the body." she argues learning through body movement is different
from learning through texts.
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