A proposal for adding AERA "assessment" to SIG dues

From: Ana Marjanovic-Shane (ana@zmajcenter.org)
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 19:30:17 PDT

TO ALL CHSIG members

Well, I have barely been a president of CHSIG for a month, and already I
received the first serious communication from the Executive Committee
for SIGs at AERA.
It seems that as an organization, AERA is not able to fully cover the
costs of "servicing" all the SIGS' activities the Annual meetings
(renting rooms for Business meetings and other workshops, food and
beverages etc...) The Executive Committee for SIGS sent us a letter with
all the facts and figures, and three proposals on how to restructure the
members' and the SIGS' dues to AERA. Each one of the three proposals
will in some way have an impact both on the CHSIG as a group and on the
individual members of AERA and our SIG. We need to respond to this
letter and recommend one of the three proposals to the Committee to take
to the Executive Board of AERA Council in June. Our deadline to get back
with a choice of the proposal is May 26th. Not a lot of time left!!
I am forwarding the original document sent to me. Please look at it and
get back to me with your suggestions. The present and some of the past
officers of CHSIG will then choose one of the three proposals and return
it to the Executive Committee for SIGs.

So, tell us what do you think?


(I apologize to the XMCA members for sending this to the list, too. It
is just a way to make sure that all those interested in the matters of
AERA dues and membership in the CHSIG get it).

Ana Marjanovic-Shane
Center for Education and Culture "ZMAJ"
215-843-2909 (h)
267-334-2905 (m)
anamshane@spekaeasy.net <mailto:%20anamshane@spekaeasy.net>
ana@zmajcenter.org <mailto:ana@zmajcenter.org>

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