Re: Chelm is next to Chevan!

From: Martin Ryder (
Date: Mon Mar 08 2004 - 08:54:52 PST


Thanks for posting this.
Tomasz reports that he has an additional opeining in American Studies.
Anyone interested should contact Tomaz directly.


Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 14:25:18 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Re: co-operation

Dear Martin;
Thank you for four promp response. I do hope that within a couple of weeks
I will be in contact with one of your friends interested in coming to us.
I will do my best to offer the best working and living conditions - one
more option is the position of Chair of American Studies, which we are
working on now.I am looking forward to some further contacks.
Best wishes,

On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Mike Cole wrote:

> Here is a job that I would take in the blink of an eyebrow if I were a
> few decades younger. If you do not know that Chelm is the center of the
> Universe, your map is out of date!
> :-)
> mike
> ----------
> To:
> Subject: co-operation
> Dear Martin; It is the area of your interest which made me contact you. I
> am an applied linguist specializing in foreign language teaching
> methodology where among a variety of theories I also teach and discuss
> constructivism and its role and position in language studies. As
> Chairperson of English Department of the State School of Higher Education
> in Chelm, Poland I am also responsible for the faculty. We offer
> undergraduate studies and on the basis of inter-university agreement our
> students continue towards M.A at Maria Curie University in Lublin from
> where the majority of our faculty come. Next cademic year, starting in
> October we introduce American literature as a separate course (we also
> think about opening American Studies in the future). Unfortunately, due to
> some inconvenieces and health problems, the professor who was supposed to
> teach the course cannot come this year and we are desperately looking for
> substitution. This is the reason why I am writing to you with my kind
> request of finding a young holder of Ph.D. in literature who could decide
> on joining our faculty and experience teaching in Poland. We also think
> that such a link could develop some other programs such as exchange and
> co-operation. I am sorry for bothering you somehow unexpectedly but
> sometimes unexpected and unusual links may appear most fruitful.
> Regards, Tomasz

Martin Ryder

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