Re: AERA/Monday April 12

Date: Fri Mar 05 2004 - 17:03:06 PST

May I forward this to people at the PACE Center? Just in case some of
them are going to AERA, which I don't know as I am in Chile!

Quoting Mike Cole <>:

> Dear Colleagues,
> For unexpected reasons, I will be away from San Diego starting
> April 14.
> There is a meeting of 5th Dimension colleagues at LCHC on the morning
> of the
> 12th (Monday) after which a goodly number of people have asked if
> they could
> visit the 5th Dimensions in Solana Beach (3 should be running at that
> time).
> As a means of being able to chat in a friendly and informal way,
> see
> the 5th Dimensions for those who want to, and do so on a
> non-binding
> schedule, the Coles invite any who are so inclined to stop by our
> house
> during Monday afternoon. We will try to provide some sort of food,
> depending
> upon how many people wish to stop by, and folks can come and go as
> they
> please.
> In order to get some idea of many people are interested, would
> you please
> RSVP to Peggy and Also, would someone please
> forward
> this note to the sig membership.
> Lets hope the weather is as nice as it is today, when you can see
> forever
> and the sound of birds is clear, but not so loud as to prevent good
> conversation.
> mike
> PS-- If you are unfamiliar with the geography, the Cole house is
> about 20
> miles north of the San Diego airport and 2 minutes from any of the
> 5thD
> sites

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