>Composing Cultures: Diversity and the Teaching of Writing
>October 15-16, 2004
>Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
>Call for Proposals: (Deadline May 14 (postmarked). Notification by June 18.)
>The University of New Hampshire is pleased to host the 10th Biennial UNH
>Composition Studies Conference on October 15-16, 2004. This year's theme
>is "Composing Cultures: Diversity and the Teaching of Writing." This
>conference will explore various facets of diversity--linguistic, cultural,
>socioeconomic, gender, and many others--as they relate to the teaching of
>writing in various contexts.
>This will be the tenth in a series of biennial conferences offered by the
>composition faculty at the University of New Hampshire. These conferences
>have featured the most distinguished scholars and teachers in the
>field—Shirley Brice Heath, Nancy Sommers, James Berlin, James Moffett,
>Peter Elbow, and many more. It has also served as an occasion for those in
>the region and beyond to discuss issues and problems in an informal
>setting. This year the keynote speakers will be:
>John Ernest (University of New Hampshire)
>Keith Gilyard (Penn State University)
>Linda Harklau (University of Georgia)
>Scott Lyons (Syracuse University)
>Kate Ronald (Miami University)
>We have used the terms “diversity” and “culture” in our title, realizing
>that they raise many questions, such as: what understanding of diversity
>and culture do we bring to our classrooms, and how does it affect our
>teaching? What understanding of these terms do our students bring to our
>classrooms, and how do we account for these perspectives?
>At the conference we hope to explore questions like the following: In what
>ways are the "rhetorics" students bring into class at odds with academic
>“rhetorics”? How can we mediate that difference? How does this kind of
>"contact zone" contribute to changes in academic discourse? How do
>students’ allegiances to popular culture and visual media affect our
>approaches to teaching writing? How can an educational institution deal
>sensitively and effectively with students whose first language is not
>English but who may reject the identity of an "ESL student"? How can we
>raise issues of race in classes that are almost entirely white?
>This conference will not simply deal with these issues in the abstract; it
>will look at ways in which differences play out in our teaching. It will
>promote interdisciplinary discussions that involve: composition studies,
>rhetoric (and contrastive rhetoric), ESL, women's studies, race
>studies—all integrally tied to pedagogy.
>We invite proposals for concurrent sessions of 75 minutes on any aspect of
>these questions. Your may propose: a) a single presenter session; b) a
>group or panel presentation session; or c) a shorter individual
>presentation that the selection committee will combine with related
>proposals to form a panel.
>Proposals should include:
>Session Title
>Session Type (a. Single Presenter Session; b. Panel Session; c. Shorter
>Individual Presentation)
>A list of presenters with full contact information (including email)
>A 50 word summary of the session to be used in the program
>A description of the session, no longer than 500 words (If you are
>planning interactive activities or demonstrations, indicate that as well)
>Deadline May 14 (postmarked). Notification by June 18.
>Submission Options
>Online Submission. To submit your paper online, please use the online
>submission form.
>Mail Submission. To submit your paper by conventional mail, please
>complete the Proposal Coversheet (available in WORD or PDF format) and
>send all required materials to:
>Amy Cunningham, Administrative Assistant
>English Department
>University of New Hampshire
>Durham, NH 03824
>Sincerely yours,
>Christina Ortmeier-Hooper
>University of New Hampshire
>English Department
>Hamilton-Smith Hall
>Durham, NH
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