Re: timescale question

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 08:23:33 PDT

I hope events allow me to catch up with the readings you, ben, and victor
have drawn on Steve; my ignorance of the texts makes useful commentary

I do not think of human development as a "just" a biological process and
your invocation of Lewontin seems to essential. Heterochrony is a part of
(or property of) the combined phylogenetic, cultural-historical, ontogentetic,
microgenetic system of human life. I guess what would be interesting
is to see where making a strong analogy across levels leads to clear errors.

My comment on synchronic variability is also a borrowing from my
thinking about human development, the uneveness in apparent "level"
of development across domains for a single organism or group of organisms
of the same chronological age.

But if drawing a parallel with heterochrony is an error, so is the
parallel with synchronic heterogeneity.

I best read learn for a while.

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