[Apologies if you receive this announcement multiple times.]
The Sixth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2004)
³Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences²
University of California, Los Angeles
June 22 - 26, 2004
Conference Location: Santa Monica, CA
Paper and Poster Submission Deadline: November 15, 2003
³Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences²
As a field, the learning sciences have drawn from a diverse set of
disciplines to study learning in an increasingly diverse array of settings.
Psychology, cognitive science, anthropology, and artificial intelligence
have all contributed to the development of methodologies to study in
learning in schools, museums, and organizations. As the field grows,
however, it increasingly recognizes the challenges to studying and changing
learning environments across levels in complex social systems. This demands
attention to new kinds of diversity in who, what, and how we study and to
the issues such diversity raises to developing coherent accounts of how
learning occurs and can be supported in a multitude of social contexts,
ranging from schools to families, and across levels of formal schooling from
pre-school through higher education.
ICLS 2004 seeks proposals that address and promote conversation about a
variety of diversities that confront the learning sciences, and to expand
the fields of inquiry that can contribute to understanding learning. We
construe diversity broadly, and seek contributions that can address one or
more of the following meanings of diversity:
… Diverse settings of learning and teaching including K-12 classrooms,
higher education, museums, after school clubs, families, and other informal
… Diverse populations of learners spanning the range of ethnic and
socioeconomic communities; urban, suburban, and rural settings; and across
the life span.
… Diverse levels of analysis connecting accounts of learning across
individuals, groups, institutions, and systems. It is not simply that there
are multiple levels of analysis, but that each level is complex and subject
to different forces than the others, and each operates across different
scales of time.
… Diverse characteristics of learners and social contexts expanding our
attention beyond cognitive factors of learning to include affective and
conative factors of individuals, interactions between actors in a social
setting, and the ways in which institutional and social factors impinge on
these interactions.
… Diverse methodologies and theoretical perspectives in contrast to recent
efforts to narrow definitions of what counts as research in education, we
seek multiple ways of describing and explaining learning in complex
settings, and attention to the ways in which particular methodologies
warrant claims.
For detailed and up-to-date information about ICLS 2004 please visit the
conference website at: http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/~icls/
For specific questions about the conference that are not answered at the
conference website, please contact: icls2004@gseis.ucla.edu
- November 15, 2003 Paper and poster submissions due
- January 15, 2004 Doctoral consortium proposals due
- January 15, 2004 Workshop proposals due
- May 15, 2004 Deadline for early registration
- June 22-26, 2004 ICLS 2004 conference in Santa Monica, CA
All papers and posters to be considered for inclusion in the technical
program must be submitted by November 15, 2003.
Details on submission requirements and formats are forthcoming, and
will be posted at the ICLS 2004 web site. We are planning to use an
all-electronic proposal submission and review process for this conference.
Information about registration fees, housing, etc., will be posted later in
the spring at the ICLS 2004 web site, http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/~icls.
Arrangements have been made with a Hotel in downtown Santa Monica to serve
as the hotel and conference location.
A limited number of full and half-day workshops will be held just prior to
ICLS 2004. If you are interested in organizing a workshop that addresses a
particular issue or research methodology in the learning sciences, please
send email to workshops@gseis.ucla.edu for more details on the submission
process. Workshop proposals are due January 15, 2004.
A doctoral consortium will be held just prior to ICLS 2004 for graduate
students engaged in dissertation work. If you are interested in submitting
a proposal, please send email to docconsort@gseis.ucla.edu for more details
on the submission process. Proposals for the doctoral consortium are due
January 15, 2003.
Yasmin B. Kafai, University of California, Los Angeles
Noel Enyedy, University of California, Los Angeles
Bill Sandoval, University of California, Los Angeles
International Relations Chairs
Iris Tabak, Ben-Gurion University
Celia Hoyles, University of London
Nicolla Yelland, University of Melbourne
Doctoral Consortium
Annemarie Palincsar, University of Michigan (Chair)
Mike Rose, University of California, Los Angeles
Tim Koschmann, Southern Illinois University
Cynthia Ching, University of Illinois Urbana‹Champaign
Brian Foley, University of California, Irvine
Sherry Hsi, Exploratorium
Susan Gautsch, University of Southern California
Student Volunteers
Debbie LaTorre, University of California, Los Angeles
Technology and AV Equipment
Peter Kovaric, University of California, Los Angeles
Brigid Barron, Stanford University
Phil Bell, University of Washington
Amy Bruckman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Angela Calabrese Barton, Columbia University
Allan Collins, Northwestern University
Kevin Crowley, University of Pittsburgh
Elizabeth A. Davis, University of Michigan
Chris Dede, Harvard University
Pierre Dillenbourg, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Daniel Edelson, Northwestern University
Barry Fishman, University of Michigan
Louis Gomez, Northwestern University
Kris Gutierrez, University of California, Los Angeles
Rogers Hall, Vanderbilt University
Christopher Hoadley, Pennsylvania State University
Margaret Honey, Education Development Center
Susan Jurow, University of Colorado
Janet Kolodner, Georgia Institute of Technology
Joe Krajcik, University of Michigan
Carol Lee, Northwestern University
Richard Lehrer, Vanderbilt University
Mitchell Nathan, University of Colorado
Roy Pea, Stanford University
Nichole Pinkard, University of Chicago
Joseph Polman, University of Missouri, St. Louis
Mitchel Resnick, MIT
Mimi Recker, Utah State University
Jeremy Roschelle, SRI International
Alan Schoenfeld, University of California, Berkeley
Daniel Schwartz, Stanford University
Miriam Sherin, Northwestern University
Bruce Sherin, Northwestern University
Reed Stevens, University of Washington
Nancy Butler Songer, University of Michigan
Gerry Stahl, Drexel University
Susan Williams, University of Texas
Volker Wulf, Universitaet Bonn
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