Having said what I did, there are very few words in Bill's text that I
couldn't figure out, without much effort, drawing on genre/ content
knowledge. But while a jumple like "eitnopalxans", which changes the
beginning sound signficantly, requires figuring out, from the lesser jumbled
"rlateive", the sound of the word 'relative' is readily available.
My point was just that all orders of patterning/ sense-making need to be
taken into account to really understand what's going on w/ learners.
What do you think? (Eugene?)
-----Original Message-----
From: Judith Vera Diamondstone
To: 'xmca@weber.ucsd.edu'
Sent: 9/19/2003 7:26 PM
Subject: FW: Lteter Oerdr?
That is why, Eugene's points well-taken though they be, the lower level
coding issues matter too. Onsets and rhymes. If they're not clear, the
words are indecipherable. Reading teachers know that consonants matter
more than vowels in learning to read.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Barowy
To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
Sent: 9/19/2003 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: Lteter Oerdr?
I just don't get it. I tried scrambling the following abstract and it
did not
help to make sense of it at all:
"Txet-only CMC has been cialmed to be iiaecotrtalnlny inenocerht due to
laitnomtiis imeposd by mengiassg sstymes on trun-tnkaig and rfceeenre,
its ptploauriy cotniunes to grow. In an amtetpt to roeslve this aapnrpet
pdaraox, this sutdy evueaatls the cerechone of ctpouemr-meaitedd
by sivruenyg resaecrh on csors-turn cronechee. The rteslus revael a high
deerge of dtseirpud adjenaccy, ovalepnpirg egnhxaecs, and tpioc dcaey.
eitnopalxans are ppsrooed to aocucnt for the prtiplouay of CMC diepste
rlateive iecreconhne: the atbliiy of usres to aapdt to the miuedm, and
aaevtngads of lonoseed cochneree for hgeeenthid itaetiicvntry and
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