RE: Critical Pedagogy: For the masses, only?

From: Steve Gabosch (
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 12:16:21 PDT

David, Eugene,

I am speaking out of turn in that my readings of critical/liberatory
pedagogists are rather limited. But I did want to point out that my
reading of the material you quoted and the general idea of
critical/liberatory pedagogy as I understand it so far is a little
different from what you present with the statement:

>> What is clear from this is that critical pedagogy is directed primarily
>> toward the oppressed classes.

I would frame it not so much as being directed primarily *toward* the
oppressed as I would as being primarly *about* the emancipation of the
oppressed as a worldwide human perspective, around which education should
be built - not just for social and political reasons, but because,
according to this line of thinking, individual freedom and development is
bound up with the struggle for human freedom in general. Hence,
"conscientizacao" is necessary for the development of all individual youth
and all individual people.

- Steve

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