Hello everybody-
Together with graduate students, I do research on how preservice teachers
use narratives about the children with whom they work during their teaching
practicum. We need to make comparisons with how in-service teachers talk
about their students. Do you know any on-line Teacher Talk where teachers
discuss their classroom practices and issues? We would appreciate if you
direct us to them.
Eugene Matusov, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Education
School of Education
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
email: ematusov@udel.edu
website: http://ematusov.soe.udel.edu <http://ematusov.soe.udel.edu/>
publications: http://ematusov.soe.udel.edu/vita/publications.htm
office phone: (302) 831-1266
fax: (302) 831-4110
office location: Willard Hall hall 206D
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