As we observe yesterday 40 years since Martin Luther King proclaimed his
dream, I felt that it was a good moment to remember his Six Principles of
1. Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people-- It is active
non-violent resistance to evil. It is aggressive spirituality. It is always
persuading the opponent of the righteousness of your cause.
2. Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding-- The end result of
nonviolence is redemption and reconciliation. The purpose of nonviolence is
the creation of the Beloved Community.
3. Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people-- Nonviolence
recognizes that evils doers are also victims and are not evil people. The
nonviolent resister seeks to defeat evil, not people.
4. Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform-- Nonviolence
accepts suffering without retaliation. Nonviolence accepts violence if
necessary, but will never inflict it. Nonviolence willingly accepts the
consequences of its acts. Unearned suffering is redemptive and has
tremendous educational and transforming possibilities. Suffering has the
power to convert the enemy when reason fails.
5. Nonviolence choose love instead of hate-- Nonviolence resists violence of
the spirit as well as the body. Nonviolent love is spontaneous, unmotivated,
unselfish and creative. Nonviolent love gives willingly, knowing that the
return might be hostility. Nonviolent love is active, not passive.
Nonviolent love is unending in its ability to forgive in order to restore
community. Love for the enemy is how we demonstrate love for ourselves. Love
restores community and resist injustice. Nonviolence recognizes the fact
that all life is interrelated.
6. Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice-- The
nonviolent resister has deep faith that justice will eventually win.
Nonviolence believes that God is a God of Justice.
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