The Collected Works
M A K Halliday
Edited by Jonathan Webster
Published by Continuum in 10 volumes
Each volume: 234 x 156 mm, ?75.00 - 30% discount: ONLY ?52.50
M A K Halliday
For nearly half a century, Professor M.A.K. Halliday has been enriching the
discipline of linguistics with his keen insight into the social semiotic
phenomenon we call language. He is one of the most influential of living
linguists and now, for the first time, Continuum are publishing his entire
collected works.
The volumes in the present series encompass all aspects of Halliday's work
and cover the breadth of the linguistics discipline. They are an essential
and definitive collection for any linguistics library
Available Now
On Grammar (Volume 1)
This first volume contains seventeen papers, including a new piece entitled
'a personal perspective', in which Professor Halliday offers his own views
on language and linguistic theory as covered in his collected works. The
first part presents early papers (1957-1966); the second part highlights
how over the span of two decades (mid-60s to mid-80s) Halliday developed
systemic theory to account for linguistic phenomena extending upward
through the ranks from word to clause to text; the third part includes more
recent work..
July 2002: 0826449441: 448pp
Linguistic Studies of Text and Discourse (Vol 2)
The papers in this volume focus on the application of systemic functional
grammar to the analysis of texts.
December 2002: 0826458688: 320pp
On Language and Linguistics (Volume 3)
Eighteen papers exploring different aspects of language from a systemic
functional perspective are organized into three sections: the place of
linguistics as a discipline; linguistics and language; and language as
social semiotic. There is also a new work from Professor Halliday, entitled
'The architecture of language'.
June 2003: 0826458696: 448pp
The Language of Early Childhood (Volume 4)
The papers in this volume, looking at the development of early childhood
language, are presented over three sections: infancy and protolanguage;
transition from childhood tongue; and early language and learning.
September 2003: 082645870X: 352pp
The Language of Science (Volume 5)
This volume explores 'the semantic character of scientific discourse' and
the chapters are organized into two sections: grammatical metaphor
and scientific English.
December 2003: 0826458718: 288pp
Computational and Quantitative Studies (Vol 6)
Throughout his career Professor Halliday has addressed the issue of the
application of linguistic scholarship for Computational and Quantitative
Studies. This volume includes works that span the last five decades.
February 2004: 0826458726: 256pp
Studies in English Language (Volume 7)
Includes 'Getting under the skin of a language', an intriguing new work by
Professor M.A.K. Halliday. Other topics covered include transitivity,
theme-rheme, mood and modality in English, English intonation and grammar,
and the power of word order in English.
August 2004: 0826458734: 384pp
Studies in Chinese Language (Volume 8)
This volume approaches the Chinese language from several interesting
vantage points. It also includes Professor Halliday's PhD thesis, 'The
Language of the Chinese Secret History of the Mongols'.
November 2004: 0826458742: 320pp
Language and Education (Volume 9)
Professor Halliday sums up the scope of language education under the
following three headings: language learning; learning through language; and
learning about language.
February 2005: 0826458750: 416pp
Language and Society (Volume 10)
The papers in this volume provide a framework for understanding the social
meaning of language, and the relation of language to other social phenomena.
May 2005: 0826458769: 416pp
Ordering details
Please order from:
Linguistics Marketing
The Tower Building,
11 York Road
London SE1 7NX
Each volume: 234 x 156 mm, Price ordinarily: ?75.00 - special offer of 30%
discount: ?52.50
Postage and Packing: ?9.50 in the UK
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