FW: FW: [ch-sig] SIG business meeting speaker * FLOOR IS OPEN

From: Judith Vera Diamondstone (JDiamondstone@Clarku.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 06:07:53 PDT

Ellice seems to be bounced from weber. Here's the message I responded to:

-----Original Message-----
From: Ellice Forman [mailto:ellice+ who-is-at pitt.edu]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 8:59 AM
To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu; Judith Vera Diamondstone;
Subject: Re: FW: [ch-sig] SIG business meeting speaker * FLOOR IS OPEN

I have a suggestion, in response to Deborah's request for someone from Asia
or Africa--Baljit Kaur--who is currently teaching in New Zealand but has
also taught in her native country, India and has done extensive educational
work with multicultural groups in both settings--from a CHAT perspective.
Ellice Forman

--On Wednesday, August 06, 2003 9:35 PM -0400 Judith Vera Diamondstone
<JDiamondstone@Clarku.edu> wrote:r

> I'm forwarding this from Deborah, w/ her permission. Thanks to Nancy for
> 'speaking up' --
> Please add YOUR voice to the discussion.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deborah Hicks [mailto:hicksda@email.uc.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 3:52 PM
> To: Judith Vera Diamondstone
> Subject: Re: [ch-sig] SIG business meeting speaker * FLOOR IS OPEN
> Dear Judy,
> I think Kris would be a superb speaker for this topic! I also wonder
> if there is someone international who could join Kris -- for instance,
> someone from a so-called "3rd world" country -- to make the point that
> CHAT and education are global concerns. Are there folks we know in
> Africa or Asian countries who are doing work related to CHAT and
> education??
> Deborah

Ellice Ann Forman
Department of Psychology in Education
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 648-7022

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