You might want to see if your library can get you a
copy of the special issue of J. Russian and East
EuropeanPsych, Nov-Dec 1999, Peter. There have been a
lot of interesting things printed there since Pentti
has taken over as head editor that you might find
Some search of current contents that yields tables of
contents or perhaps going stright to M.E.Sharpe web
page would be a way to check it out.
Our inter-library loan gets us specific articles on
request, but if that is not possible, and if play
gets to be a general topic, we could consider how to
get material scanned for discussion.
>>devoted to work of D.B. Elkonin there is an
>>article on development of play that may be of
>>interest to some of you.
> Mike, is this article available for those of us
> who don't get the journal? thanks,Peter
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