Kirsten Foot's article "Pursuing an Evolving Object: A Case Study in
Object Formation and Identification" was selected as the article for
discussion on xmca.
Our apologies for the delay in getting the article posted. Lawrence
Erlbaum Assoc. has recently redesigned their website and there have been
problems in getting this article to appear where it should. They are
working on it.
In the meantime, if you will go to
you will see a section Volume 9, No. 2, Sample Article. You can click on
that and a PDF version of the entire article will appear.
Here is the abstract for the article:
Kirsten Foot
"Pursuing an Evolving Object: A Case Study in Object Formation and Identification"
The notion of object is a central, but frequently misunderstood, element
of cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT). From what, where, and
when does the object of an activity system come? How does an activity
theorist identify an activity’s multifaceted, evolving object? This
article presents a rearticulation of object in CHAT perspective,
illustrated by a case study of object formation in a network of conflict
monitors in the post-Soviet sphere—the Network for Ethnological
Monitoring and Early Warning (EAWARN). Through participant-observation
fieldnotes, transcripts of recorded discussions among EAWARN
participants and of interviews with Network members and directors, and
postings to the EAWARN listserv, the author demonstrates how an
activity system’s object can be identified through the varying
perspectives of multiple participants in an activity system.
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