Re: Thinking in a foreign language

From: Huong Le (
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 15:01:41 PDT

Thanks for your reply. I hate to keep asking questions...but it's
part of construction of mind in society. If we throw away textbooks,
does it mean that we thow away cultural artifacts that have some
mediational role in the process of learning?

Find as many skilled speakers including little kids...Does this mean
that interaction always brings about mediated learning?

Mediating oral language through written language is really odd. How
about if learners read written language and use the knowledge from
the written materials to talk and share with others?

---- Original Message ----
From: (Mike Cole)
Subject: Re: Thinking in a foreign language
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 13:29:03 -0700 (PDT)

>throw away the textbook and find as many skilled speakers including
>little kids that you can. Mediating oral language through written
>language is really odd.

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